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feat: prepend based merge (#12093)
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Reorganize the existing merge protocol to establish the _pre_-pending of
subtables of ecc ops from each circuit, rather than appending. This is
facilitated by classes `UltraEccOpsTable` and `EccvmOpsTable`
(implemented in a previous PR) that handle the storage and virtual
pre-pending of subtables.

The merge protocol proceeds by opening univariate polynomials T_j,
T_{j,prev}, and t_j (columns of full table, previous full table, and
current subtable respectively) and checking the identity T_j(x) = t_j(x)
+ x^k * T_{j,prev}(x) at a single challenge point. (Polynomials t_j are
explicitly degree checked in main protocol via a relation that checks
that they are zero beyond idx k-1).

Note: Missing pieces in the merge are (1) connecting [t] from the main
protocol to [t] in the merge and (2) connecting [T] from step i-1 to
[T_prev] at step i. These will be handled in follow ons.
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ledwards2225 authored and AztecBot committed Feb 27, 2025
1 parent 36bbb66 commit 2d53ed0
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Showing 29 changed files with 504 additions and 374 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ TEST(MegaCircuitBuilder, GoblinEccOpQueueUltraOps)

// Check that the ultra ops recorded in the EccOpQueue match the ops recorded in the wires
auto ultra_ops = builder.op_queue->get_aggregate_transcript();
auto ultra_ops = builder.op_queue->construct_current_ultra_ops_subtable_columns();
for (size_t i = 1; i < 4; ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < builder.blocks.ecc_op.size(); ++j) {
auto op_wire_val = builder.variables[builder.blocks.ecc_op.wires[i][j]];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,4 +203,4 @@ TEST(MegaCircuitBuilder, CompleteSelectorPartitioningCheck)

} // namespace bb
} // namespace bb
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion cpp/src/barretenberg/client_ivc/mock_kernel_pinning.test.cpp
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Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ TEST_F(MockKernelTest, PinFoldingKernelSizes)
Builder circuit = circuit_producer.create_next_circuit(ivc);

EXPECT_FALSE(circuit.blocks.has_overflow); // trace oveflow mechanism should not be triggered

EXPECT_EQ(ivc.fold_output.accumulator->proving_key.log_circuit_size, 19);
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion cpp/src/barretenberg/constants.hpp
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Expand Up @@ -24,4 +24,6 @@ static constexpr uint32_t MASKING_OFFSET = 4;
// For ZK Flavors: the number of the commitments required by Libra and SmallSubgroupIPA.
static constexpr uint32_t NUM_LIBRA_COMMITMENTS = 3;
static constexpr uint32_t NUM_LIBRA_EVALUATIONS = 4;
} // namespace bb

static constexpr uint32_t MERGE_PROOF_SIZE = 65; // used to ensure mock proofs are generated correctly
} // namespace bb
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Expand Up @@ -241,11 +241,15 @@ ClientIVC::MergeProof create_dummy_merge_proof()
using FF = ClientIVC::FF;

std::vector<FF> proof;

FF mock_val(5);
auto mock_commitment = curve::BN254::AffineElement::one();
std::vector<FF> mock_commitment_frs = field_conversion::convert_to_bn254_frs(mock_commitment);

// Populate mock subtable size

// There are 12 entities in the merge protocol (4 columns x 3 components; aggregate transcript, previous aggregate
// transcript, current transcript contribution)
const size_t NUM_TRANSCRIPT_ENTITIES = 12;
Expand All @@ -265,6 +269,8 @@ ClientIVC::MergeProof create_dummy_merge_proof()

ASSERT(proof.size() == MERGE_PROOF_SIZE);

return proof;

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Expand Up @@ -136,6 +136,15 @@ class IvcRecursionConstraintTest : public ::testing::Test {

* @brief Check that the size of a mock merge proof matches expectation
TEST_F(IvcRecursionConstraintTest, MockMergeProofSize)
ClientIVC::MergeProof merge_proof = create_dummy_merge_proof();
EXPECT_EQ(merge_proof.size(), MERGE_PROOF_SIZE);

* @brief Test IVC accumulation of a one app and one kernel; The kernel includes a recursive oink verification for the
* app, specified via an ACIR RecursionConstraint.
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions cpp/src/barretenberg/eccvm/eccvm_circuit_builder.hpp
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Expand Up @@ -113,10 +113,10 @@ class ECCVMCircuitBuilder {
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> msm_mul_index;
std::vector<size_t> msm_sizes;

const auto& raw_ops = op_queue->get_raw_ops();
const auto& eccvm_ops = op_queue->get_eccvm_ops();
size_t op_idx = 0;
// populate opqueue and mul indices
for (const auto& op : raw_ops) {
for (const auto& op : eccvm_ops) {
if (op.mul) {
if ((op.z1 != 0 || op.z2 != 0) && !op.base_point.is_point_at_infinity()) {
Expand All @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class ECCVMCircuitBuilder {
// if last op is a mul we have not correctly computed the total number of msms
if (raw_ops.back().mul && active_mul_count > 0) {
if (eccvm_ops.back().mul && active_mul_count > 0) {
Expand All @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ class ECCVMCircuitBuilder {

parallel_for_range(msm_opqueue_index.size(), [&](size_t start, size_t end) {
for (size_t i = start; i < end; i++) {
const auto& op = raw_ops[msm_opqueue_index[i]];
const auto& op = eccvm_ops[msm_opqueue_index[i]];
auto [msm_index, mul_index] = msm_mul_index[i];
if (op.z1 != 0 && !op.base_point.is_point_at_infinity()) {
ASSERT(result.size() > msm_index);
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions cpp/src/barretenberg/eccvm/eccvm_circuit_builder.test.cpp
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Expand Up @@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ TEST(ECCVMCircuitBuilderTests, AddProducesDouble)
* @details Currently, Goblin does not support clean initialization, which means that we have to create mock ECCOpQueue
* to avoid commiting to zero polynomials. This test localizes the issue to the problem with populating ECCVM Transcript
* rows in the method \ref bb::ECCVMTranscriptBuilder::compute_rows "compute rows". Namely, we are loosing the point at
* infinity contribution to the 'transcipt_Px' polynomials while parsing the raw ops of ECCOpQueue.
* infinity contribution to the 'transcipt_Px' polynomials while parsing the eccvm ops of ECCOpQueue.
* More specifically, in this test we add a simple MSM with the point at infinity multiplied by \f$0\f$. While the ECCVM
* computes the result of this op correctly, i.e. outputs the point at infinity, the computation of 'transcript_Px' is
Expand All @@ -474,15 +474,15 @@ TEST(ECCVMCircuitBuilderTests, InfinityFailure)

// Add the same operations to the ECC op queue; the native computation is performed under the hood.
auto op_queue = std::make_shared<bb::ECCOpQueue>();
std::shared_ptr<ECCOpQueue> op_queue = std::make_shared<ECCOpQueue>();

for (size_t i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
op_queue->mul_accumulate(P1, Fr(0));

auto eccvm_builder = ECCVMCircuitBuilder(op_queue);

auto transcript_rows = ECCVMTranscriptBuilder::compute_rows(op_queue->get_raw_ops(), 1);
auto transcript_rows = ECCVMTranscriptBuilder::compute_rows(op_queue->get_eccvm_ops(), 1);

// check that the corresponding op is mul
bool row_op_code_correct = transcript_rows[1].opcode == 4;
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions cpp/src/barretenberg/eccvm/eccvm_flavor.hpp
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Expand Up @@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ class ECCVMFlavor {
// compute rows for the three different sections of the ECCVM execution trace
const auto transcript_rows =
ECCVMTranscriptBuilder::compute_rows(builder.op_queue->get_raw_ops(), builder.get_number_of_muls());
ECCVMTranscriptBuilder::compute_rows(builder.op_queue->get_eccvm_ops(), builder.get_number_of_muls());
const std::vector<MSM> msms = builder.get_msms();
const auto point_table_rows =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1461,4 +1461,4 @@ class ECCVMFlavor {

// NOLINTEND(cppcoreguidelines-avoid-const-or-ref-data-members)

} // namespace bb
} // namespace bb
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion cpp/src/barretenberg/eccvm/eccvm_transcript.test.cpp
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Expand Up @@ -405,4 +405,4 @@ TEST_F(ECCVMTranscriptTests, StructureTest)
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<typename Flavor::Commitment>(prover.transcript->transcript_Px_comm),
one_group_val * rand_val);
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion cpp/src/barretenberg/goblin/goblin.hpp
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Expand Up @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class GoblinProver {
// commitments ( which would otherwise appear in the
// first round of the merge protocol. To be removed once the issue has been resolved.
commitment_key = bn254_commitment_key ? bn254_commitment_key : nullptr;
GoblinMockCircuits::perform_op_queue_interactions_for_mock_first_circuit(op_queue, commitment_key);
* @brief Construct a MegaHonk proof and a merge proof for the present circuit.
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20 changes: 1 addition & 19 deletions cpp/src/barretenberg/goblin/mock_circuits.hpp
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Expand Up @@ -138,32 +138,14 @@ class GoblinMockCircuits {
* @param op_queue
static void perform_op_queue_interactions_for_mock_first_circuit(
std::shared_ptr<bb::ECCOpQueue>& op_queue, std::shared_ptr<CommitmentKey> commitment_key = nullptr)
static void perform_op_queue_interactions_for_mock_first_circuit(std::shared_ptr<bb::ECCOpQueue>& op_queue)

bb::MegaCircuitBuilder builder{ op_queue };

// Add some goblinized ecc ops


// Manually compute the op queue transcript commitments (which would normally be done by the merge prover)
#ifndef __wasm__
// TODO(Adam): This is crashing wasm-in-browser. It doesn't make sense to call this in browser...
auto bn254_commitment_key =
commitment_key ? commitment_key : std::make_shared<CommitmentKey>(op_queue->get_current_size());
std::array<Point, Flavor::NUM_WIRES> op_queue_commitments;
size_t idx = 0;
for (auto& entry : op_queue->get_aggregate_transcript()) {
op_queue_commitments[idx++] = bn254_commitment_key->commit({ 0, entry });
// Store the commitment data for use by the prover of the next circuit

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Expand Up @@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ static constexpr TraceStructure CLIENT_IVC_BENCH_STRUCTURE{ .ecc_op = 1 << 10,
.elliptic = 9000,
.aux = 136000,
.poseidon2_external = 2500,
.poseidon2_internal = 14000,
.poseidon2_internal = 14500,
.overflow = 0 };

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Expand Up @@ -199,4 +199,4 @@ TYPED_TEST(ECCVMRecursiveTests, IndependentVKHash)
} // namespace bb
} // namespace bb
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Expand Up @@ -8,59 +8,70 @@ MergeRecursiveVerifier_<CircuitBuilder>::MergeRecursiveVerifier_(CircuitBuilder*

* @brief Construct recursive verifier for Goblin Merge protocol, up to but not including the pairing
* @brief Computes inputs to a pairing check that, if verified, establishes proper construction of the aggregate Goblin
* ECC op queue polynomials T_j, j = 1,2,3,4.
* @details Let T_j be the jth column of the aggregate ecc op table after prepending the subtable columns t_j containing
* the contribution from a single circuit. T_{j,prev} corresponds to the columns of the aggregate table at the
* previous stage. For each column we have the relationship T_j = t_j + right_shift(T_{j,prev}, k), where k is the
* length of the subtable columns t_j. This protocol demonstrates, assuming the length of t is at most k, that the
* aggregate ecc op table has been constructed correctly via the simple Schwartz-Zippel check:
* @tparam Flavor
* T_j(\kappa) = t_j(\kappa) + \kappa^k * (T_{j,prev}(\kappa)).
* @tparam CircuitBuilder
* @param proof
* @return std::array<typename Flavor::GroupElement, 2> Inputs to final pairing
template <typename CircuitBuilder>
std::array<typename bn254<CircuitBuilder>::Element, 2> MergeRecursiveVerifier_<CircuitBuilder>::verify_proof(
const HonkProof& proof)
// transform it into stdlib proof
// Transform proof into a stdlib object
StdlibProof<CircuitBuilder> stdlib_proof = bb::convert_native_proof_to_stdlib(builder, proof);
transcript = std::make_shared<Transcript>(stdlib_proof);

// Receive commitments [t_i^{shift}], [T_{i-1}], and [T_i]
std::array<Commitment, NUM_WIRES> C_T_prev;
std::array<Commitment, NUM_WIRES> C_t_shift;
std::array<Commitment, NUM_WIRES> C_T_current;
FF subtable_size = transcript->template receive_from_prover<FF>("subtable_size");

// Receive table column polynomial commitments [t_j], [T_{j,prev}], and [T_j], j = 1,2,3,4
std::array<Commitment, NUM_WIRES> t_commitments;
std::array<Commitment, NUM_WIRES> T_prev_commitments;
std::array<Commitment, NUM_WIRES> T_commitments;
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < NUM_WIRES; ++idx) {
C_T_prev[idx] = transcript->template receive_from_prover<Commitment>("T_PREV_" + std::to_string(idx + 1));
C_t_shift[idx] = transcript->template receive_from_prover<Commitment>("t_SHIFT_" + std::to_string(idx + 1));
C_T_current[idx] = transcript->template receive_from_prover<Commitment>("T_CURRENT_" + std::to_string(idx + 1));
std::string suffix = std::to_string(idx);
t_commitments[idx] = transcript->template receive_from_prover<Commitment>("t_CURRENT_" + suffix);
T_prev_commitments[idx] = transcript->template receive_from_prover<Commitment>("T_PREV_" + suffix);
T_commitments[idx] = transcript->template receive_from_prover<Commitment>("T_CURRENT_" + suffix);

FF kappa = transcript->template get_challenge<FF>("kappa");

// Receive transcript poly evaluations and add corresponding univariate opening claims {(\kappa, p(\kappa), [p(X)]}
// Receive evaluations t_j(\kappa), T_{j,prev}(\kappa), T_j(\kappa), j = 1,2,3,4
std::array<FF, NUM_WIRES> t_evals;
std::array<FF, NUM_WIRES> T_prev_evals;
std::array<FF, NUM_WIRES> t_shift_evals;
std::array<FF, NUM_WIRES> T_current_evals;
std::array<FF, NUM_WIRES> T_evals;
std::vector<OpeningClaim> opening_claims;
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < NUM_WIRES; ++idx) {
T_prev_evals[idx] = transcript->template receive_from_prover<FF>("T_prev_eval_" + std::to_string(idx + 1));
opening_claims.emplace_back(OpeningClaim{ { kappa, T_prev_evals[idx] }, C_T_prev[idx] });
t_evals[idx] = transcript->template receive_from_prover<FF>("t_eval_" + std::to_string(idx + 1));
opening_claims.emplace_back(OpeningClaim{ { kappa, t_evals[idx] }, t_commitments[idx] });
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < NUM_WIRES; ++idx) {
t_shift_evals[idx] = transcript->template receive_from_prover<FF>("t_shift_eval_" + std::to_string(idx + 1));
opening_claims.emplace_back(OpeningClaim{ { kappa, t_shift_evals[idx] }, C_t_shift[idx] });
T_prev_evals[idx] = transcript->template receive_from_prover<FF>("T_prev_eval_" + std::to_string(idx + 1));
opening_claims.emplace_back(OpeningClaim{ { kappa, T_prev_evals[idx] }, T_prev_commitments[idx] });
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < NUM_WIRES; ++idx) {
T_current_evals[idx] =
transcript->template receive_from_prover<FF>("T_current_eval_" + std::to_string(idx + 1));
opening_claims.emplace_back(OpeningClaim{ { kappa, T_current_evals[idx] }, C_T_current[idx] });
T_evals[idx] = transcript->template receive_from_prover<FF>("T_eval_" + std::to_string(idx + 1));
opening_claims.emplace_back(OpeningClaim{ { kappa, T_evals[idx] }, T_commitments[idx] });

// Check the identity T_i(\kappa) = T_{i-1}(\kappa) + t_i^{shift}(\kappa)
// Check the identity T_j(\kappa) = t_j(\kappa) + \kappa^m * T_{j,prev}(\kappa)
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < NUM_WIRES; ++idx) {
T_current_evals[idx].assert_equal(T_prev_evals[idx] + t_shift_evals[idx]);
FF T_prev_shifted_eval_reconstructed = T_prev_evals[idx] * kappa.pow(subtable_size);
T_evals[idx].assert_equal(t_evals[idx] + T_prev_shifted_eval_reconstructed);

FF alpha = transcript->template get_challenge<FF>("alpha");

// Constuct batched commitment and batched evaluation from constituents using batching challenge \alpha
// Constuct inputs to batched commitment and batched evaluation from constituents using batching challenge \alpha
std::vector<FF> scalars;
std::vector<Commitment> commitments;
scalars.emplace_back(FF(builder, 1));
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Expand Up @@ -99,4 +99,4 @@ TYPED_TEST(RecursiveMergeVerifierTest, SingleRecursiveVerification)

} // namespace bb::stdlib::recursion::goblin
} // namespace bb::stdlib::recursion::goblin
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Expand Up @@ -199,4 +199,4 @@ TYPED_TEST(TranslatorRecursiveTests, IndependentVKHash)
GTEST_SKIP() << "Not built for this parameter";
} // namespace bb
} // namespace bb
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Expand Up @@ -50,10 +50,13 @@ template <typename FF> class MegaCircuitBuilder_ : public UltraCircuitBuilder_<M
, op_queue(std::move(op_queue_in))
// Instantiate the subtable to be populated with goblin ecc ops from this circuit

// Set indices to constants corresponding to Goblin ECC op codes

MegaCircuitBuilder_(std::shared_ptr<ECCOpQueue> op_queue_in)
: MegaCircuitBuilder_(0, op_queue_in)
Expand All @@ -79,6 +82,9 @@ template <typename FF> class MegaCircuitBuilder_ : public UltraCircuitBuilder_<M
: UltraCircuitBuilder_<MegaExecutionTraceBlocks>(/*size_hint=*/0, witness_values, public_inputs, varnum)
, op_queue(std::move(op_queue_in))
// Instantiate the subtable to be populated with goblin ecc ops from this circuit

// Set indices to constants corresponding to Goblin ECC op codes
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