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update die to match noir-lang/noir#6783
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vezenovm committed Dec 12, 2024
1 parent 7357161 commit 8f9b0e4
Showing 1 changed file with 135 additions and 22 deletions.
157 changes: 135 additions & 22 deletions noir/noir-repo/compiler/noirc_evaluator/src/ssa/opt/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
//! Dead Instruction Elimination (DIE) pass: Removes any instruction without side-effects for
//! which the results are unused.
use fxhash::{FxHashMap as HashMap, FxHashSet as HashSet};
use im::Vector;
use noirc_errors::Location;
use rayon::iter::{IntoParallelRefMutIterator, ParallelIterator};

use crate::ssa::{
basic_block::{BasicBlock, BasicBlockId},
dfg::{CallStack, DataFlowGraph},
instruction::{BinaryOp, Instruction, InstructionId, Intrinsic},
types::{NumericType, Type},
value::{Value, ValueId},
ssa_gen::{Ssa, SSA_WORD_SIZE},

use super::rc::{pop_rc_for, RcInstruction};

impl Ssa {
/// Performs Dead Instruction Elimination (DIE) to remove any instructions with
/// unused results.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,6 +106,8 @@ impl Context {

let instructions_len = block.instructions().len();

let mut rc_tracker = RcTracker::default();

// Indexes of instructions that might be out of bounds.
// We'll remove those, but before that we'll insert bounds checks for them.
let mut possible_index_out_of_bounds_indexes = Vec::new();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,8 +135,13 @@ impl Context {

rc_tracker.track_inc_rcs_to_remove(*instruction_id, function);


// If there are some instructions that might trigger an out of bounds error,
// first add constrain checks. Then run the DIE pass again, which will remove those
// but leave the constrains (any any value needed by those constrains)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,33 +292,33 @@ impl Context {

let (lhs, rhs) = if function.dfg.get_numeric_constant(*index).is_some() {
// If we are here it means the index is known but out of bounds. That's always an error!
let false_const = function.dfg.make_constant(false.into(), Type::bool());
let true_const = function.dfg.make_constant(true.into(), Type::bool());
let false_const = function.dfg.make_constant(false.into(), NumericType::bool());
let true_const = function.dfg.make_constant(true.into(), NumericType::bool());
(false_const, true_const)
} else {
// `index` will be relative to the flattened array length, so we need to take that into account
let array_length = function.dfg.type_of_value(*array).flattened_size();

// If we are here it means the index is dynamic, so let's add a check that it's less than length
let length_type = NumericType::length_type();
let index = function.dfg.insert_instruction_and_results(
Instruction::Cast(*index, Type::unsigned(SSA_WORD_SIZE)),
Instruction::Cast(*index, length_type),
let index = index.first();

let array_typ = Type::unsigned(SSA_WORD_SIZE);
let array_length =
function.dfg.make_constant((array_length as u128).into(), array_typ);
function.dfg.make_constant((array_length as u128).into(), length_type);
let is_index_out_of_bounds = function.dfg.insert_instruction_and_results(
Instruction::binary(BinaryOp::Lt, index, array_length),
let is_index_out_of_bounds = is_index_out_of_bounds.first();
let true_const = function.dfg.make_constant(true.into(), Type::bool());
let true_const = function.dfg.make_constant(true.into(), NumericType::bool());
(is_index_out_of_bounds, true_const)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -484,7 +491,7 @@ fn apply_side_effects(
rhs: ValueId,
function: &mut Function,
block_id: BasicBlockId,
call_stack: Vector<Location>,
call_stack: CallStack,
) -> (ValueId, ValueId) {
// See if there's an active "enable side effects" condition
let Some(condition) = side_effects_condition else {
Expand All @@ -495,12 +502,9 @@ fn apply_side_effects(

// Condition needs to be cast to argument type in order to multiply them together.
// In our case, lhs is always a boolean.
let casted_condition = dfg.insert_instruction_and_results(
Instruction::Cast(condition, Type::bool()),
let cast = Instruction::Cast(condition, NumericType::bool());
let casted_condition =
dfg.insert_instruction_and_results(cast, block_id, None, call_stack.clone());
let casted_condition = casted_condition.first();

let lhs = dfg.insert_instruction_and_results(
Expand All @@ -522,6 +526,112 @@ fn apply_side_effects(
(lhs, rhs)

struct RcTracker {
// We can track IncrementRc instructions per block to determine whether they are useless.
// IncrementRc and DecrementRc instructions are normally side effectual instructions, but we remove
// them if their value is not used anywhere in the function. However, even when their value is used, their existence
// is pointless logic if there is no array set between the increment and the decrement of the reference counter.
// We track per block whether an IncrementRc instruction has a paired DecrementRc instruction
// with the same value but no array set in between.
// If we see an inc/dec RC pair within a block we can safely remove both instructions.
rcs_with_possible_pairs: HashMap<Type, Vec<RcInstruction>>,
rc_pairs_to_remove: HashSet<InstructionId>,
// We also separately track all IncrementRc instructions and all arrays which have been mutably borrowed.
// If an array has not been mutably borrowed we can then safely remove all IncrementRc instructions on that array.
inc_rcs: HashMap<ValueId, HashSet<InstructionId>>,
mutated_array_types: HashSet<Type>,
// The SSA often creates patterns where after simplifications we end up with repeat
// IncrementRc instructions on the same value. We track whether the previous instruction was an IncrementRc,
// and if the current instruction is also an IncrementRc on the same value we remove the current instruction.
// `None` if the previous instruction was anything other than an IncrementRc
previous_inc_rc: Option<ValueId>,

impl RcTracker {
fn track_inc_rcs_to_remove(&mut self, instruction_id: InstructionId, function: &Function) {
let instruction = &function.dfg[instruction_id];

if let Instruction::IncrementRc { value } = instruction {
if let Some(previous_value) = self.previous_inc_rc {
if previous_value == *value {
self.previous_inc_rc = Some(*value);
} else {
self.previous_inc_rc = None;

// DIE loops over a block in reverse order, so we insert an RC instruction for possible removal
// when we see a DecrementRc and check whether it was possibly mutated when we see an IncrementRc.
match instruction {
Instruction::IncrementRc { value } => {
if let Some(inc_rc) =
pop_rc_for(*value, function, &mut self.rcs_with_possible_pairs)
if !inc_rc.possibly_mutated {

Instruction::DecrementRc { value } => {
let typ = function.dfg.type_of_value(*value);

// We assume arrays aren't mutated until we find an array_set
let dec_rc =
RcInstruction { id: instruction_id, array: *value, possibly_mutated: false };
Instruction::ArraySet { array, .. } => {
let typ = function.dfg.type_of_value(*array);
if let Some(dec_rcs) = self.rcs_with_possible_pairs.get_mut(&typ) {
for dec_rc in dec_rcs {
dec_rc.possibly_mutated = true;

Instruction::Store { value, .. } => {
// We are very conservative and say that any store of an array type means it has the potential to be mutated.
let typ = function.dfg.type_of_value(*value);
if matches!(&typ, Type::Array(..) | Type::Slice(..)) {
Instruction::Call { arguments, .. } => {
for arg in arguments {
let typ = function.dfg.type_of_value(*arg);
if matches!(&typ, Type::Array(..) | Type::Slice(..)) {
_ => {}

fn get_non_mutated_arrays(&self, dfg: &DataFlowGraph) -> HashSet<InstructionId> {
.filter_map(|value| {
let typ = dfg.type_of_value(*value);
if !self.mutated_array_types.contains(&typ) {
} else {

mod test {
use std::sync::Arc;
Expand All @@ -530,7 +640,10 @@ mod test {

use crate::ssa::{
ir::{map::Id, types::Type},
types::{NumericType, Type},
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -639,7 +752,7 @@ mod test {

// Compiling main
let mut builder = FunctionBuilder::new("main".into(), main_id);
let zero = builder.numeric_constant(0u128, Type::unsigned(32));
let zero = builder.numeric_constant(0u128, NumericType::unsigned(32));
let array_type = Type::Array(Arc::new(vec![Type::unsigned(32)]), 2);
let v1 = builder.insert_make_array(vector![zero, zero], array_type.clone());
let v2 = builder.insert_allocate(array_type.clone());
Expand All @@ -652,7 +765,7 @@ mod test {

let v3 = builder.insert_load(v2, array_type);
let one = builder.numeric_constant(1u128, Type::unsigned(32));
let one = builder.numeric_constant(1u128, NumericType::unsigned(32));
let v5 = builder.insert_array_set(v3, zero, one);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -691,4 +804,4 @@ mod test {
let ssa = ssa.dead_instruction_elimination();
assert_normalized_ssa_equals(ssa, src);

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