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What is this?

This is project of DIY USB 25-keys MIDI sensor keyboard using stm32f103c8t6 (bluepill).

Video with test:

How this works? 🤔

All piano keys is a capacitive touch sensors. The microcontroller continuously measure needed time for change pin state from 0 to 1 and and back. That's have little lag, because any gpio pin have parasitic capacitance. And when finger touches pin there is a current leak happens and time to charge/discharge changes.

The algorithm is simple:

  1. Change pin to input with internal pull-up
  2. Measure time until pin have 1 state
  3. Change pin to output=1 for complete charge parasitic capacitor
  4. Change pin to input with internal pull-down
  5. Measure time until pin have 0 state
  6. Change pin to output=0 for complete discharge parasitic capacitor

Any deviations in these measured times is meaning for key press.



Just connect piece of foil to microcontroller. And that's all, lol.

Current pinout which use in the code:

Pin Note
PB13 C3
PB14 C3#
PB15 D3
PB12 D3#
PA8 E3
PB8 F3
PB9 F3#
PB7 G3
PB3 G3#
PA1 A3
PB1 A3#
PA0 B3
PB4 C4
PB0 C4#
PA7 D4
PA2 D4#
PA4 E4
PB5 F4
PB11 F4#
PA5 G4
PA15 G4#
PA3 A4
PA6 A4#
PB6 B4
PB10 C5

But you can connect keys in any random order and just generate new App::m_pins using DEBUG_SORT_KEYS=true mode.

That's exactly what I did 🤦‍♂️

Hardware design

I use keys cut from tin and these mounted to part of fruit box 🤦‍♂️

All keys lacquered for isolation. That important if you don't want to fried your MCU.

Device photo

(See full size: docs/device-photo.jpg)

To simplify this I wrote piano-layout generator in php: gen-piano.php


# gen-piano.php <number of keys>
php gen-piano.php 25

For example, layouts for 25-keys MIDI for this project:

All of these images have 300 ppi resolution. Just print and cut! :)


Okay you built this device. And as expected, nothing works. Oh no, this is scam???? 😱

No, that's okay. Different constructions have different parameters and my settings maybe not suitable for you.

Mainly, you need tune these parameters for your device:

Parameter Default Description
SENSOR_WHITE_KEY_THRESHOLD 1000 Threshold for white key, at which deviation (in %) will mean key is pressed.
This value in percentages multiplied to 100.
SENSOR_BLACK_KEY_THRESHOLD 1000 Threshold for black key, at which deviation (in %) will mean key is pressed.
This value in percentages multiplied to 100.

Other parameters:

Parameter Default Description
NOTE_OFFSET 48 MIDI note for first key: 36 - C2, 48 - C3
See for more info:
KEY_VELOCITY 64 Velocity of key press
DEBOUNCE_CYCLES 1000000 Time for debounce. Value in the cpu cycles. This value used to reduce jittering keys state.
CALIBRATION_CYCLES 100 Cycles for measure average capacitance for initial state.
SAMPLES_CNT 8 Cycles for averaging measured capacitance
DEBUG_SORT_KEYS false Debug mode for generatin new App::m_pins in right order
DEBUG_PRESS_KEYS false Debug mode for tune thresholds

You can find all of these parameters in src/App.h

Build firmware

You need arm-none-eabi compiler for arm:

git clone
cd stm32-sensor-midi-keyboard

After this you have app.bin and app.elf. Just flash one of this in any appropriate way.

In case of BlackMagic Probe you can simply flash using this command:

make install

How to use?

Just connect to USB and it works. I love linux for this.

I really don't know what actions needed for windows/osx :)


I use USART1 for debug output. Connect any USART-to-USB adapter to these pins:

PA10 (RX) TX