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Grapes helps you to keep an eye on the dependencies of your software production:
- Uses a Grapes client to track the dependencies of your projects
- If it is possible, integrate it to your continuous integration get information at real time
- Generates reports thanks to Grapes server to track the corporate projects dependencies, the third parties libraries, the embedded licenses ...
Grapes gives you the opportunity to centralized the dependency information of your production. Tracking the dependencies and the life cycle of your binaries production becomes simpler even for distributed teams and production sites.
If you want to give a try, have a look to the demo instance.
###History Grapes used to be an internal CI tool of Axway to govern the flow of dependencies. The project started in 2011 and has been brought to the open source in 2014.
Today, Grapes is used at Axway as a common knowledge database to track the artifact production. It has been integrated to the Enterprise Continuous Delivery tooling to support R&D teams in the management of product life-cycle and the infrastructure housekeeping.
###Tech Written in Java, Grapes uses a number of open source projects :
- Dropwizard - awesome out-of-the-box to build web applications
- Jongo - a super fast way to request MongoDb using MongoShell language
- Twitter Bootstrap - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps
- jQuery - JavaScript library
###Wiki pages
- Install from sources
- Roles & administration
- Grapes database: tips and tricks
- Main concepts
- Release Validations
- Server usage
- Demo instance introduction
- Maven plugin usageGrape
- Jenkins plugin usage
###Useful links
- Demo instance
- Mailing List
- Sample of Grapes Maven plugin usage
- Grapes Jenkins plugin project
- Grapes Maven plugin project
###License Under Apache 2 license.
© Grapes 2014-2017