Get the total time you have spent cubing while using CSTimer and other similar stats
- First you need Python3 installed, you can get it at pythons official website
- Second you need to download this repo, do that by clicking the green button on this page that says "Clone or download" and select Download zip
- Then you need to extract the zip file somewhere, remember that location, you will need it later
- Now you need to open CSTimer at and click the button in the top left corner that says "EXPORT" when you hover over it
- Now click the button that says "Export to file", it will download a text file with all of your times
- Now go to your downloads folder and copy the file from CSTimer, you will now need to paste the file into the folder with the python file
- If you are on windows you have to right click the python file and click open, there you will see your stats
- If you are on mac you have to right click the python file and select open with and then select python launcher
- When you are done just press the enter key on your keyboard to close the window