Provider to send SMS notifications for Symfony2 bundle for PHP by Devino Telecom ( Use KPhoenSmsSenderBundle for Symfony and Carpe-Hora/SmsSender.
Page bundle:
- Get the session ID (receiving the token, authorization)
- Sending a single SMS message (without taking into account the recipient's time zone)
- Getting user balance
- Validation of input data through a standard functional forms.
Maybe in the future:
- Security (blocking) from overly frequent messaging.
HttpAdapters are responsible to get data from remote APIs.
Currently, there are the following adapters:
for cURL; (recommended)BuzzHttpAdapter
for Buzz, a lightweight PHP 5.3 library for issuing HTTP requests; (For additional installation of this dependence)
Run the following in your project root, assuming you have composer set up for your project
composer.phar require avtonom/sms-devinotelecom-bundle ~1.1
Switching ~1.1
for the most recent tag.
Add the bundle to app/AppKernel.php
new KPhoen\SmsSenderBundle\KPhoenSmsSenderBundle(),
new Avtonom\Sms\DevinoTelecomBundle\AvtonomSmsDevinoTelecomBundle(),
Configuration options (config.yaml):
pool: ~ # right now, only "memory" is supported
providers: [devinotelecom]
factories: [ "%kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/avtonom/sms-devinotelecom-bundle/Avtonom/Sms/DevinoTelecomBundle/Resources/config/provider_factories.xml" ]
login: %sms.provider.devinotelecom.login%
password: %sms.provider.devinotelecom.password%
originators: %sms.provider.devinotelecom.originators%
Configuration options (parameters.yaml):
sms.provider.devinotelecom.login: ~
sms.provider.devinotelecom.password: ~
sms.provider.devinotelecom.originators: [] # Leave an empty array if there is no strict checking the sender's name
Create a logger named "avtonom_sms.logger". Sample code (services.yml):
public: true
class: Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger
arguments: [sms]
try {
$sendResult = $this->get('sms.sender')->send('0642424242', 'It\'s the answer.', 'Kévin');
} catch(\SmsSender\Exception\WrappedException $e){
if($e->getWrappedException() && $e->getWrappedException() instanceof \SmsSender\Exception\AdapterException){
$smsException = new \Exception($e->getWrappedException()->getMessage(), $e->getWrappedException()->getCode(), $e);
var_dump($e->getWrappedException()->getData()); // request data
throw $smsException;
It is recommended to use this bundle together with bundle of Defender for Symfony 2, of the large count of requests. It protects against multiple processing one value. Guard, aims to protect against brute force and dictionary attacks.
- Create an issue if you've found a bug,