A set of two Node.js scripts running on an EC2 instance and accessing data in a MySQL/Aurora database.
api.js is an Express.js HTTP server that provides REST API for the frontend to use and webhook endpoints for incoming CircleCI and GitHub notifications about opened/updated PRs and finished builds.
builder.js checks the pushes
table for new pushes, and if it finds new, unprocessed ones,
downloads their stats from CircleCI artifact URLs, processes them and records them in the stats
Knex.js is used as a SQL client library and as a tool to maintain the database schema and do schema migrations.
A simple React app based on create-react-app
that shows the frontend and uses the REST API provided
by the server. C3 is used to display the charts. It's running as a static website hosted in an S3 bucket.
The iscalypsofastyet.com domain is owned by Automattic and a systems request is needed to change the IP of the S3 bucket or the EC2 instance in case any of them changes.