The purpose of this project is to demonstrate that node.js is nothing special. Anyone can create a program that interprets input as code, processes it accordingly and then outputs something.
Write a program that will use readline to take user input. The input will follow certain rules which is our syntax.
- Calculator
- The input will be similiar to
x + y
. We can add, subtract, multiply or divide. Determine the 2 numbers, determine the math operator and output the result
- The input will be similiar to
- Bool
- The input will be
X > Y
. We can compare <, >, ===, !==. returntrue
- The input will be
- Variable
- The input will be
let whatever = “something”
, if the user then types in the variable name, it should print it back out
- The input will be
- Bonus
- Combine the functionality so you can assign a bool or number into a variable
If anything else is input that cannot be matched, output Syntax Error