Screens | Technologies | How to run
GamePlay is an application that helps you connect, organize your fun time and play with friends. The app has integration with Discord, allowing you to select servers and schedule dates to play with your friends! Watch a video.
This project was developed with the following technologies:
- AsyncStorage to save locally the created appointments;
- expo-linear-gradient to create gradient effects in components;
- expo-auth-session to connect with Discord API by using OAuth2;
- react-native-svg to import SVG files and use them as components;
- expo-app-loading to keep SplashScreen visible while the assets are loaded
- react-native-iphone-x-helper to help with iPhone screen details;
- axios to make requests to Discord API
- and more...
# clone repository
git clone project-name
# enter folder
cd project-name
# download dependencies
# project
expo start
You should create a .env file based on the .env.example and fit the listed properties
If you try to connect with Discord and the link doesn't to open, change your connection mode to Tunnel
In this section, I'll list a problem that I came across and how I have resolved.
For some reason, RectButton from react-native-gesture-handler don't works fine when placed directly inside React Native Modal component (see SignOut component). I didn't want to lose the effect provided by RectButton, so I wrapped it up with TouchableWithoutFeedback.