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Create an Installer for Windows Systems

Hervé Bitteur edited this page Dec 31, 2018 · 4 revisions

Windows installer

Update notice

Baruch wrote the first version of this documentation, when he developed a Windows installer for Audiveris 5.x software.

Later, his work was integrated into the gradle-based mainstream building process. This documentation was updated accordingly and now describes the automated generation of two Audiveris Windows installers, one for 32-bit and one for 64-bit environments.


Installer sources

You should have cloned the Audiveris repository via a command like:

  git clone

Then all sources are readily available:

  • dev/installer-windows/Installer.nsi
    This is the main input script for the NSIS compiler.
  • dev/installer-windows/FileAssociationWithIcon.nsi
    This is an external script to handle association between .omr files and Audiveris program.
  • build.gradle
    This is the global Audiveris building script which notably launches the NSIS compiler with proper parameters.

NSIS compiler

If the NSIS compiler is not yet installed on your Windows machine, you can download it from Current version as of this writing is nsis-3.04-setup.exe.

Running this file installs the compiler. Please respect the default installation location (C:\Program Files (x86)\ or C:\Program Files\) because the build script will try these locations unless the NSIS compiler can be found on path.


The build process will properly grab Tesseract software binaries.

However, Tesseract language data files (which provide support for various languages such as deu, eng, fra, ita, etc) must be available precisely at C:\Program Files (x86)\tesseract-ocr\tessdata.

Please make sure these are Tesseract 3.04 files (rather than more recent but non compatible 4.0)

If they are at a different location, you will need to manually edit the Installer.nsi file.


We call gradle via its wrapper (gradlew), which takes care of grabbing and launching the proper gradle version.

So, instead of calling gradle directly, we use:

  • ./gradlew on Linux, Mac, Cygwin terminal on Windows
  • gradle.bat on a Windows terminal

Generating the installers

Make sure you start from a clean status:

  ./gradlew clean

Then select one of the following gradle tasks:

  ./gradlew installer_windows-x86     # for the 32-bit installer
  ./gradlew installer_windows-x86_64  # for the 64-bit installer
  ./gradlew installers                # for both installers

The generated installers can then be found in the build/installers/ folder, for example:

  • build/installers/AudiverisSetup-5.1.0-windows-x86.exe
  • build/installers/AudiverisSetup-5.1.0-windows-x86_64.exe