This is the current version (V1.0) for Atlas Thing Middleware for your RaspberryPi (IoT platform that runs a Raspbian, a free operating system based on Linux Debian)-Smart things
holds the entry point to compile Atlas-IoT_Thing (readme file, cMServices shell script, cMakeLists.txt)
- Communication Manager : holds the different communication languages supported (MQTT) and the Unix-sockets (CoAP and REST-HTTP are not supported in this version)
- IoTDDL Parser : parses the different sections and sub-sections of the IoT-DDL
- Identity Parser : builds the identity/language/entity json tweets of the thing
- API-Generator : generates bundles to the offered services, handle the service call and generate API to the service
- Knowledge Tweeting Manager : builds the service/relationship json tweets, build tree of services-relationships, find match of the unbounded services
- Object Engine : currently not in this version
- Attachment Engine : currently not in this version
- System Function : set of common system functions that can be called besides the generated bundles for thing's services
- RapidJSON : JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API (
- TinyXML2 : C++ XML parser under the ZLib license
- PahoMQTT : Eclipse Paho MQTT C client library
- CoAPLib : C implementation of the lightweight CoAP application-protocol from the noisy atom, under a BSD license
- Crypto++ : C++ library of the cryptographic schemes licensed under the Boost Software License 1.0
- OMALib : Eclipse Wakaama (formerly liblwm2m), implementation of the Open Mobile Alliance's LightWeight M2M protocol (LwM2M)
Use the IoT-DDL builder online tool to build an IoT-DDL file for your Atlas thing.
there is an initial IoTDDL in this version, if you will use it without replacing it with a new one - make sure to change the thing ID in the file.
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get upgrade
- sudo apt-get install gcc-6 g++-6 build-essential //usually install the latest gcc and g++
- sudo apt-get install doxygen
- sudo apt-get install cmake cmake-curses-gui
- sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
- sudo apt-get install curl libcurl4-openssl-dev
- sudo apt-get install autogen
From Github, download the zip version of the middleware on your RaspberryPi, then unzip the folder.
- unzip the folder named CppMicroServices-development under Atlas-IoT_Thing/lib/ of the middleware, and keep in the lib directory
- cmake CppMicroServices-development/
- sudo make
- sudo make install
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/include
- sudo ldconfig
- //the new version installs the library in /usr/local/include/cppmicroservices4/ rather than /usr/local/include/
- sudo mv /usr/local/include/cppmicroservices4/ ~/Desktop/
- sudo mv ~/Desktop/cppmicroservices4/cppmicroservices/ /usr/local/include/
- unzip the folder named WiringPi-master under Atlas-IoT_Thing/lib/WiringPi-master/ of the middleware
- cd to the WiringPi-master folder
- ./build
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt upgrade
- sudo apt install rpi.gpio
- sudo raspi-config
- under “Interfacing Options”, enable both I2C and SPI
- Navigate to the directory of Atlas-IoT_thing (use cd command) and Compile as follows:
- cmake Main/
- make
- Use this builder tool to build an IoT-DDL file for your Atlas thing.
- Navigate to the directory of Atlas-IoT_thing and add the genenerated IoT-DDL.xml file to the /ConfigurationFiles directory (replace the default file)
- Through therminal, and under the directlory of the middleware, run the following command:
- ./Atlas