- pwd //Present working directory
- ls // list to see in the present directory
- ls -l // everything
- ls .la // hidden files
- mkdir // make directory
- touch file-name (i.e.index.html) //create file
- nano file-name (i.e.index.html) //Open file
- ctrl + x //to save or exit
- cat //for reading the file in terminal
- mv file-name (i.e.index.html) html (folder name) : // move file to folder
- rm file-name (i.e.log.text) //Remove file
- rm -rf folder-name (i.e htmlFolder) //Remove folder
- https://brew.sh/ //details about brew
- brew install tree : //to see the tree view of the directory
- tree //to see the directory tree
- history //to see the history of the comand line
- cp: coppy
- :q! // to quite and continue from recent activity if there are some error/nothing accepting
Introduction to git : https://github.com/Asabeneh/Git-and-Github
For first time configaration of git:
git config --global user.name ‘yourname’git config --global user.email ‘youremail’
git init //this comand for initializa the repository
git status // to know the status of the repogit add filename (i.e. index.html) : file/directory add to the staging
git add . // add everythinggit commit -m "commit name" : to commitgit log : to see the log
git remote add origin https://github.com/AtikRhaman/git-lesson.git
git push -u origin master
git branch //To see where I am
git branch branch-name (i.e. branch-test) //Create new branch
git checkout branch-name (i.e. branch-test) //Swith to branch
git branch -m branch-test test //rename the branch name (m= message)
git merge branch-name (i.e dev) //to merge the branch with each other
git rebase branch-name // this is another way of merging called rebase. This is used as base branch
g reset --hard origin/master // back to origin remote master branch
- npm run build // to build a react project
- firebase deploy // to deploy into firebase and go live