Version 1.5, The Big(gest) update.
Haha, its finally here! Version 1.5, This update is absolutely huge, and might be the biggest update in all of skript-itemsadder ever!
- Create ItemsAdder Inventory Section - Create an ItemsAdder inventory with this Section, containing a texture, title, texture/title offsets, etc.
- Open Custom Inventory Effect - Opens an ItemsAdder inventory to a player
- Set Custom Inventory Slot Effect - Sets the slot of an ItemsAdder inventory
- Last Created GUI expression - gets the Last Created ItemsAdder gui.
- Furniture Place Success Event - Gets called when a furniture gets successfully placed into the world, if you're looking to get the location, etc. Use this event.
- Play Break Effect (it's back!), Plays the breaking effect on an ItemsAdder block, (no, it's not the cracking)
- Custom Block Type
- Textured Inventory Type
- Update Checker (Not stolen 👀 )
- Items and Font images now support more then 1 entry.
- The "Is Custom Block", "Is Custom Item" and "Is Custom Entity" conditions now support negative comparisons (isn't/is not) (#10)
- Fixed Replace Custom Furniture Effect (#4)
- Docs fixes and changes, (All examples that need it now contain namespace:id)
- Play Place & Break Sound Effect - Felt like these were useless, as you could just use the Play Sound effect
- Set Tool Usages Effect - Custom Durability is bugged in ItemsAdder currently.