A super modular Ionic 2.x starter application.
- Project's Home: https://github.com/skounis/supermodular2
Need more? Don't miss Barebone Ionic 2, The Swiss Arny Knife of Ionic2!
To build and run this Supermodular 2
you need to have Ionic CLI beta installed
$ sudo npm install -g ionic
You can revert back and restore any version of Ionic CLI by using the command:
$ sudo npm install -g {ionic version}
$ sudo npm install -g ionic@1.7.14
Run npm install
to install all needed dependencies.
Run ionic state restore
to install all Cordova plugins and platforms included in the package.json.
Use ionic serve -l
to run the app in browser and watch for changes in code
use ionic serve
to just run the app for a browser preview
use ionic serve --lab
to run the app in a browser on two platforms at the same time.
$ ionic platform add <platform>
Supported Cordova platforms:
$ ionic platform add ios
$ ionic platform add android
$ ionic build
$ ionic emulate ios
$ ionic emulate android
Use the following commands and install all the plugins required by the app:
$ cordova plugin add {plugin id or url}
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
In case that the required Cordova plugins are not installed while installing NodeJS dependencies, Cordova's command mentioned previously can be used to install the following plugins:
- cordova-plugin-device - This plugin defines a global device object, which describes the device's hardware and software.
- cordova-plugin-console - This plugin is meant to ensure that console.log() is as useful as it can be. It adds additional function for iOS, Ubuntu, Windows Phone 8, and Windows.
- cordova-plugin-whitelist - This plugin implements a whitelist policy for navigating the application webview on Cordova 4.0.
- cordova-plugin-splashscreen - This plugin is required to work with splash screens. This plugin displays and hides a splash screen during application launch.
- cordova-plugin-statusbar - Used to customize the iOS and Android StatusBar, alter the appearance of the status bar (color/style).
- ionic-plugin-keyboard - It provides functions to make interacting with the keyboard easier, and fires events to indicate that the keyboard will hide/show.
The Ionic 'Tutorial' starter is used
$ ionic start supermodular2 tutorial --v2 --ts