Predict quality of wine using Machine Learning techniques. Support Vector Machines (SVMs) method used in this case with an accuracy of 83%.
1. fixed acidity — primary fixed acids found in wine are tartaric, succinic, citric, and malic.
2. volatile acidity — the gaseous acids present in wine.
3. citric acid — the weak organic acid found in citrus fruits naturally.
4. residual sugar — amount of sugar left after fermentation.
5. chlorides — amount of salt present in wine.
6. free sulfur dioxide — used for prevention of wine by oxidation and microbial spoilage.
7. total sulfur dioxide — the portion of SO2 that is free in the wine plus the portion that is bound to other chemicals in the wine.
8. density — the mass per unit volume of wine.
9. pH — used for checking acidity.
10. alcohol — percent of alcohol present in wine.
11. sulphates : Added sulfites preserve freshness and protect wine from oxidation, and bacteria.
12. quality