Track gems download statistics.
Actually it's production website where you can see statistics for one of my gem:
Feel free to add your gem there and start tracking stats for it. Enjoy!
$ brew install mongodb
# run mongodb
$ mongod
$ gem install compass
In case of error: "Could not find chromedriver" try:
$ node node_modules/grunt-protractor-runner/node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update
$ npm install
$ bower install
# run server
$ grunt serve
$ cd dist
$ git clone
$ grunt build
$ cd dist
$ git commit -am "Relase new build"
$ git push openshift master
# story copy on github repo
$ git push origin master
Use bin/publish
to build project and publish it on production.
$ grunt node-inspector
$ node --debug-brk server/config/seed.js
# go to
$ grunt test:server
$ grunt test:client
$ grunt test:e2e
# all unit tests karma & mochaTest. It uses karma-jasmine as assertion lib.
$ grunt test:unit
# only tests for server/*. It uses chai as assertion lib.
$ grunt mochaTest
Run e2e tests with different port if you are running grunt serve
at the same time.
$ PORT=9001 grunt test:e2e
See config in Gruntfile.js
Add to crontab on another server:
55 * * * * curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" > /dev/null 2>&1