Wordout is a desktop app design for helping to pass Police Ortographic test. As a user you will have a default database with few words to make some test, but is up to you to add more word.
Electron + typescript. That's all.
Just Spanish at the moment.
Absolutely, I want the app to be an open-source/free app. I will review personally any PR.
I've develop an auto-upload system which get's all the files from build folder but db and icon. Any PR or new feature should have a new working build folder and new version x.y.z (x is the major version, y minor and z for bugs) and should be increase in version.json and build/version.json file. Both must have the same version set. NO PR WILL BE APPROVED WITHOUT THE CORRECT VERSION SET
Allows you to compile and run the app in local
npm run debug
Generates build folder
npm run compile