This command line tool lets you convert svg image files under the source folder to webfont (eot, svg, ttf, woff and woff2) with 2-layer icon support
This tool is built on top of Fontello. Forked from Fontello-Offline-CLI.
$ node icon-font-generator-cli --version
$ node icon-font-generator-cli --help
$ node icon-font-generator-cli -s "src/path" -n thefontname -a "font author" -o "output/path"
$ node icon-font-generator-cli -c conf.json -w
md [project_name]
cd [project_name]
npm init -y
npm i -D ArtCraft/Icon-Font-Generator-CLI
md _icons
touch conf.json
"name": "icon",
"src": "_icons",
"output": "_output",
"preview_size": 24,
"default_size": 24,
"author": "Unknown"
and add following to package.json
"scripts": {
"watch": "node node_modules/icon-font-generator-cli -c conf.json -w",
"build": "node node_modules/icon-font-generator-cli -c conf.json"
put svg files under _icons
and run npm run watch
This will regenerate a font and open a preview page.
And each time you change something in _icons
folder font going to be regenerated
and preview reloaded.