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Excalidraw 添加简体中文手写字体

本版本是在最新版上做的添加修改, 具体如下:

  • 添加简体中文手写字体, 字体为可免费商用的杨任东竹石体, 压缩为 woff2 格式, 仅 1.7m 大小,极致流畅体验
  • 去掉多余的翻译文件, 仅保留 en 和简体中文
  • 保留原版字体
  • 添加中文手写字体设置选项和按钮, 同时保留原版设置
  • 去掉 Excalidraw+ 链接和显示
  • 去掉 googletagmanager 跟踪代码
  • 去掉 google 事件分析代码
  • 在保留原运行命令情况下, 增加build:local 命令方便生成静态部署文件


首先确定本地 nodejs 版本为 v14, 如果不是, 请自行安装, 比如利用nvm:

nvm install 14
nvm use 14

将本项目clone到本地, 进入项目目录后:

npm install


npm run build:local

生成的静态文件在build文件夹里, 可以任意部署到 githubpage 或七牛云等支持静态网站的空间内


  1. 关于导出 svg 格式无法正常显示中文手写字体的情况, 这里需要先把public/Chinese.woff2文件上传到你自己的空间, 然后确保空间域名可访问, 接着自行修改一处代码, 文件在 src/scene/export.ts里面
    @font-face {
      font-family: "Virgil";
      src: url("");
    @font-face {
      font-family: "Cascadia";
      src: url("");
// 以下手动添加代码
    @font-face {
      font-family: "Chinese";
      src: url("https://[此处填你自己的域名地址]/Chinese.woff2");

当然上面的两个字体文件也可以改成你自己的空间地址, 修改后在重新npm run build:local生成新的部署文件.

另: Firefox 下不支持 svg 字体跨站延迟加载, 所以导出的 svg 最好在 chrome 系浏览器下查看

  1. 在线协作功能缺失, 这是官方没有提供, 咱也没办法, 虽然有人提出了一些方案, 但是及其麻烦; 需要这方面的还是等官方吧.

以下为原 内容

Excalidraw logo: Sketch handrawn like diagrams.

Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams.
Collaborative and end-to-end encrypted.

Follow Excalidraw on Twitter

Ask questions or hang out on our

Try it now

Go to to start sketching.

Read the latest news and updates on our blog. A good start is to see all the updates of One Year of Excalidraw.

Supporting Excalidraw

If you like the project, you can become a sponsor at Open Collective.

Last but not least, we're thankful to these companies for offering their services for free:

Vercel Sentry Crowdin



You can almost do anything with shortcuts. Click on the help icon on the bottom right corner to see them all.

Curved lines and arrows

Choose line or arrow and click click click instead of drag.


You can easily create charts by copy pasting data from Excel or just plain comma separated text.


To translate Excalidraw into other languages, please visit our Crowdin page. To add a new language, open an issue so we can get things set up on our end first.

Translations will be available on the app if they exceed a certain threshold of completion (currently 85%).

Create a collaboration session manually

In order to create a session manually, you just need to generate a link of this form:[0-9a-f]{20},[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{22}


The first set of digits is the room. This is visible from the server that’s going to dispatch messages to everyone that knows this number.

The second set of digits is the encryption key. The Excalidraw server doesn’t know about it. This is what all the participants use to encrypt/decrypt the messages.

Note: Please ensure that the encryption key is 22 characters long.

Shape libraries

Find a growing list of libraries containing assets for your drawings at

Embedding Excalidraw in your App?

Try out @excalidraw/excalidraw. This package allows you to easily embed Excalidraw as a React component into your apps.


Code Sandbox

Local Installation

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Clone the repo

git clone

Install the dependencies


Start the server

yarn start

Now you can open http://localhost:3000 and start coding in your favorite code editor.


Command Description
yarn Install the dependencies
yarn start Run the project
yarn fix Reformat all files with Prettier
yarn test Run tests
yarn test:update Update test snapshots
yarn test:code Test for formatting with Prettier

Docker Compose

You can use docker-compose to work on Excalidraw locally if you don't want to setup a Node.js env.

docker-compose up --build -d


We publish a Docker image with the Excalidraw client at excalidraw/excalidraw. You can use it to self-host your own client under your own domain, on Kubernetes, AWS ECS, etc.

docker build -t excalidraw/excalidraw .
docker run --rm -dit --name excalidraw -p 5000:80 excalidraw/excalidraw:latest

The Docker image is free of analytics and other tracking libraries.

At the moment, self-hosting your own instance doesn't support sharing or collaboration features.

We are working towards providing a full-fledged solution for self-hosting your own Excalidraw.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Notable used tools

And the main source of inspiration for starting the project is the awesome Zwibbler app.


Excalidraw fork, 添加简体中文手写字体







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