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This application is built using NEXT JS and allows users to send anonymous messages to eachother and also prompts random messages through AI using vercel AI sdk

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This application is built using NEXT JS and allows users to send anonymous messages to eachother. It also prompts random messages which are generated through AI using the vercel AI SDK and Open AI which allows users to select and send those messages to other users being anonymous.

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Details about the tech stack :

  1. ZOD for validation
  2. regexr
  3. resend email
  4. shadcn library
  5. mongoose (mongo db)
  6. react-email
  7. bcrypt js
  8. typescript
  9. types-bcryptjs
  10. Auth JS
  11. Route Hnadlers
  12. nextauth.js
  13. JWT token
  14. mongodb-atlas
  15. Postman API
  16. Message API with aggregation pipelines
  17. Sessions for already user logged in
  18. Vercel AI SDK
  19. AI open ai
  20. React hook form
  21. axios for request
  22. Zod Resolver
  23. Tailwind CSS
  24. ESLint

Getting Started

  1. Install Node.js
  2. Clone this repository
git clone
  1. Open directory
cd MessageMaze
  1. Install node dependencies-
npm i 


npm install
  1. Now , run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

This project uses next/font to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.

Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!

Deploy on Vercel

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.

Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.


This application is built using NEXT JS and allows users to send anonymous messages to eachother and also prompts random messages through AI using vercel AI sdk







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