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Developers | UOs | GitHub Profiles |
Carlos Diez Fernández | | |
Raúl Fernández España | | |
Omar Teixeira González | | |
David Leszek Warzynski Abril | |
This project has been developed jointly by the previously mentioned developers as an assignment given by the professors Jose Emilio Labra Gayo, Pablo González, Irene Cid Rico, and Cristian Augusto Alonso for the subject of Software Architecture (ASW) at the University of Oviedo.
In GOMap!®, users can log in and interact with the world around them. In this way, any user can view markers created by other users, or create their own, on the places located in the searched location. These places can range from shops to bars, restaurants, landscapes, monuments, and more.
These markers can have different features added to them, such as images or a description of the location, but it doesn't end there. The real interaction comes when users can add reviews or opinions about a marker created by another user.
The complete list of technologies used, along with their architectural decisions (ADR), can be found in the following link.
To execute the project, it will be necessary to first clone it, so you will need to have Git installed (access through the following link), and then clone this repository into a local directory, either by downloading the repository in .zip format or by using the following command:
- Go to the local directory where you want to clone the repository.
- Open the console or command prompt.
- Enter the following code:
git clone
Once this is done, the application can be launched in the following way.
Firstly, you need to install Node. In case it is already installed, you should make sure that you have the latest version of it.
# Launch the webapp
cd webapp
npm install
npm start
To access the web app (once the previous process has been completed), simply go to the following link.