Is a tiny library ๐ฅ~270 (gziped) byte localStorage emitter. Smit has no dependencies, supports all browsers and IE9+.
npm install smit
yarn add smit
If you are in a CommonJS environment (eg Node), then you will need to add .default to your import:
// ES6
import smit from 'smit';
// CommonJS
var smit = require('smit').default;
// UMD
<script src=""></script>
// Just one function (IIFE)
<script src=""></script>
import smit from 'smit';
const storage = smit();
// Callback called when a key "title" is updated in localStorage
storage.on('title', title => console.log('title updated', title));
// Listen of many keys in localStorage
storage.on('foo', value => console.log('foo', value)).on('bar', value => console.log('bar', value));
// Remove listener'foo');
// Remove all listeners;
// destroy the smit
If you want to check how this smit works, open any of the following demos in two tabs.
VanillaJS: Source | Demo
VueJS: Source | Demo
ReactJS: Source | Demo