.Net Standard package and application for monitoring the status of your home page. Sends warnings and status updates through email/sms/telegram or your prefferred way when something is wrong.
Project url: https://appweb.se/en/packages/page-status-monitor
The package can be installed through nuget https://www.nuget.org/packages/AppWeb.PageStatusMonitor/
Install-Package AppWeb.PageStatusMonitor
using AppWeb.PageStatusMonitor.Interfaces;
using AppWeb.PageStatusMonitor.Models;
using AppWeb.PageStatusMonitor.Services;
// Create monitor service
IMonitorService monitorService = new MonitorService();
// Run single check
var checkResult = monitorService.Check(new MonitorItem(new Uri("https://appweb.se")));
// Add your action on the result
var responseTime = checkResult.Milliseconds;
The code above is the most simple way of using this package and running simple checks.
Monitor items can be configured to chech either a URI och a IPAdress and checking if either a Get request or a Ping is successful. More advanced use cases will be supported in the future.
using AppWeb.PageStatusMonitor.Enums;
using AppWeb.PageStatusMonitor.Models;
// URI, when no CheckType is provided it will perform HttpGet by default
var item1 = new MonitorItem(new Uri("https://appweb.se"));
// URI to be checked with ping
var item2 = new MonitorItem(new Uri("https://appweb.se"), CheckType.Ping);
// IPAddress to explicity be checked with Get-request
var item3 = new MonitorItem(IPAddress.Parse(""), CheckType.HttpGet);
// IPAdddress to be checked with ping
var item4 = new MonitorItem(IPAddress.Parse(""), CheckType.Ping);
"AppSettings": {
"EmailConfiguration": {
"FromEmail": "<your-email>",
"FromName": "<your-name>",
"ToEmail": "<to-email>",
"ToName": "<to-name>",
"SmtpHost": "<smtp-host>",
"SmtpUsername": "<smtp-username>",
"SmtpPassword": "<smtp-password>",
"UseSSL": true
"MonitorItems": [
"CheckUri": "https://www.appweb.se",
"CheckType": "HttpGet"
"CheckIPAddress": "",
"CheckType": "Ping"
"CheckType": "HttpGet",
"CheckUri": "https://www.shouldNotExist1337orWhat.se"
The following is from the ExampleConsoleApp provided in the solution
using System;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using AppWeb.PageStatusMonitor.Actions;
using AppWeb.PageStatusMonitor.Configurations;
using AppWeb.PageStatusMonitor.Interfaces;
using AppWeb.PageStatusMonitor.Models;
using AppWeb.PageStatusMonitor.Services;
namespace AppWeb.PageStatusMonitor.ExampleConsoleApp
public class Program
public IMonitorService MonitorService;
public IEmailService EmailService;
public MonitorConfiguration MonitorConfiguration;
public Program()
var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
IConfigurationRoot configuration = builder.Build();
var appSettings = configuration.GetSection("AppSettings").Get<AppSettings>();
// Actions to be run after each check result
Action<MonitorResultItem> onCheckCompleteAction = (monitorResultItem) =>
// Console write status
// Email if check fails
EmailActions.SendEmailOnFail(monitorResultItem, EmailService);
MonitorService = new MonitorService(new HttpService());
EmailService = new EmailService(appSettings.EmailConfiguration);
MonitorConfiguration = new MonitorConfiguration(appSettings.MonitorItems, onCheckCompleteAction);
static void Main(string[] args)
Program program = new Program();
var runResult = program.MonitorService
.RunChecks(program.MonitorConfiguration); // Runs the check
// Optional extentions:
//.FilterOnlySuccessful() // filter so we only get successful checks
//.FilterOnlyFailed() // filter so we only get failed checks
//.FilterLongExecutionTime(500) // filter so we just get checks with long excution time
//.Then(ConsoleActions.WriteSuccessfulSummary) // console write summary of successful checks
//.Then(ConsoleActions.WriteFailedSummary) // console write summary of failed checks
Console.WriteLine("Done, press any key to close");