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category: bug
category: bug
Something isn't working
category: content
category: content
Social content / Ape Academy / Video Article Tip
category: docs
category: docs
Improvements or additions to documentation
category: feature
category: feature
New feature or request
category: refactor
category: refactor
Refactor of existing code or process
category: SPIKE
category: SPIKE
Research project
category: testing
category: testing
Test plan for an existing feature
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
no recent activity, closed
Created by Linear-GitHub Sync
size: 1 piece
size: 1 piece
Easy, well-defined, quick to accomplish
size: 2 pieces
size: 2 pieces
Relatively easy, but requires some thought
size: 3 pieces
size: 3 pieces
Moderately challenging, well-defined, may require a bit of research
size: 5 pieces
size: 5 pieces
Challenging, not as well defined, may require help from senior eng
size: 8 pieces
size: 8 pieces
Extra challenging, requires research, should be broken up
No activity for 30 days
status: blocked
status: blocked
Issue is currently blocked
status: duplicate
status: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
status: invalid
status: invalid
This doesn't seem right
status: unstaged
status: unstaged
Not in a current planning cycle at this time, come back when time
status: wontfix
status: wontfix
This will not be worked on