Database driver for SurrealDB available for REST and RPC sessions.
Surreal .NET is a database driver for SurrealDB. The connector can access the database via JSON-RPC as well as REST.
Name | Description | Nuget |
SurrealDB.Driver.Rpc |
Websocket RPC based database driver for SurrealDB | |
SurrealDB.Driver.Rest |
REST based database driver for SurrealDB. | |
SurrealDB.Extensions.Service |
Service integration into the ASP.NET Core ecosystem. |
The API Documentation is available here
Firstly install SurrealDB on your system. See the installation instructions:
# Brew
brew install surrealdb/tap/surreal
# Linux
curl -sSf | sh
# Windows - system
choco install surreal --pre
# Windows - user
iwr -useb | iex
While Surreal .NET can be registered as a ASP.NET Core service for usage in a web API, the library can also be included in a console app.
I highly recommend taking a looksie at the examples, but for now let's review a basic console app with the RPC library.
<PackageReference Include="SurrealDB.Driver.Rest" Version="1.0.3" />
using SurrealDB.Configuration;
using SurrealDB.Driver.Rpc;
using SurrealDB.Models;
// start server: surreal start -b -u root -p root --log debug
// Create a configuration for the sever specified above.
Config cfg = Config.Create()
.WithBasicAuth("root", "root")
// Tell the configuration to connect to the server using RPC, and without TLS.
.WithRpc(insecure: true).Build();
// Create a RPC database connection with the configuration.
DatabaseRpc db = new(cfg);
// Connect using the defined connection.
await db.Open();
// Create a struct with the fields we want to insert, nesting is supported.
Person you = new("Max Mustermann", 39, new("Musterstraße 1", 12345, "Musterstadt"), "0123456789", "");
// Insert the struct into the database, table = person, id = maxmustermann.
// If id` is not specified it will be random-generated, the id can be read from the response.
RpcResponse create = await db.Create("person:maxmustermann", you);
// Read the struct from the database to verify it was inserted correctly.
RpcResponse select = await db.Select("person:maxmustermann");
if (select.TryGetResult(out Result result)) {
// Prints: {"address":{"city":"Musterstadt","street":"Musterstraße 1","zip":12345},"age":39,"email":"","id":"test:maxmustermann","name":"Max Mustermann","phone":"0123456789"}
Person alsoYou = result.GetObject<Person>();
// Prints: Yes we equals? True
Console.WriteLine($"Yes we equals? {you == alsoYou}");
/// <summary>
/// A Person.
/// </summary>
record struct Person(string name, int age, Address address, string phone, string email);
/// <summary>
/// The address of one or more people.
/// </summary>
record struct Address(string street, int zip, string city);
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- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
ProphetLamb 💻 |
Stephen Gilboy 💻 |
Tony 💻 📖 |
Brian Duhs |
Siphalor 📖 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!