As a company we are big advocates of the open source community. We benefit hugely from the use of open source software, including Linux, Apache, Ruby, Python and many other tools/languages, so we feel that it is our duty to give something back.
We release a lot of tools, libraries etc via github and make use of a number of different organsations in order to do that. Below is a list of all of the organisations that we contribute to or release via.
Github Organisation | Description |
AWSToolbox | A selection of tools for Amazon Web Services. |
DevelopersToolbox | A collection of open source tools which can assist developers. |
DevopsBuildingBlocks | A set of building blocks for DevOps professionals. |
DockerToolbox | An assortment of Docker containers. |
GithooksToolbox | A collection of usefil git hooks and associated tools. |
SysAdminAssortment | A collection of open source tools which can assist sys admins. |
TerraformToolbox | An assortment of Terraform modules / code. |
TravisToolbox | A collection of open source tools which can be used in Travis-CI pipelines. |