Our motivation behind choosing to create a recommendation system for movies is because we all enjoywatching movies and we realized that it was difficult and time consuming to find good movie recommendationsby blindly searching through streaming services with thousands of options. So, we decided to create a recom-mendation system that is catered towards the users specific preferences and filters through movies based onwhat the user feels like watching or genres. In addition, we also wanted to include an aspect in the projectthat shows where the user can stream the movies so that they know where to find and watch a good movie in a short amount of time.
The goal was to build a recommendation system that will recommend movies based on the given genre's. To increase the project's complexity, we decided to use Graphic User-Interface that will output the list of recommended movies in the pop-window, and adding other necessary buttons for the reviews that will be extracted from the web.
https://www.kaggle.com/stefanoleone992/imdb-extensive-dataset -- We found this massive dataset with 81,000 rows with 22 columns dataset contains the list of the movies on IMBD.