Shopping List with Grocy Card by @Anrolosia
Lovelace card for your Shopping List with Grocy integration.
- works with Shopping List with Grocy integration
- uses Button Card by @RomRider
- uses Layout Card by @thomasloven
- uses Collapsable Cards by @RossMcMillan92
- uses Bootstrap Grid Card by @ownbee
- automatic display of your products in a list, poster grid, or collaspable list
- automatic display of your shopping list
- uses javascript templates in some fields for live update
- custom buttons usable in shopping list
Name | Type | Default | Supported options | Description |
type |
string | Required | custom:slwg-product-card |
Type of the card |
shopping_list_id |
number | 1 | Any number | Used to display quantity in your shopping list |
sort_by |
object | optional | See SortBy | Define the sorting used to display your products |
display_as_poster |
boolean | false | true | false |
Display your products in a grid using product image |
group_by |
string | optional | Any product attribute | Used with display_as_poster to false . Define the product attribute you'd like to use to group your products |
exclude |
object | optional | See Exclude | Exclude some products depending on parameters |
include |
object | optional | See Include | Include some products depending on parameters |
tap_action |
object | optional | See Action | Define the type of action on click, if undefined, nothing happens. |
hold_action |
object | optional | See Action | Define the type of action on hold, if undefined, nothing happens. |
double_tap_action |
object | optional | See Action | Define the type of action on double click, if undefined, nothing happens. |
confirmation |
object | optional | See confirmation | Display a confirmation popup |
Name | Type | Default | Supported options | Description |
type |
string | Required | custom:slwg-product-card |
Type of the card |
shopping_list_id |
number | 1 | Any number | Used to display quantity in your shopping list |
sort_by |
object | optional | See SortBy | Define the sorting used to display your products |
group_by |
string | optional | Any product attribute | Define the product attribute you want to use to group your products |
exclude |
object | optional | See Exclude | Exclude some products depending on parameters |
include |
object | optional | See Include | Include some products depending on parameters |
use_collapsable_card |
boolean | true | true | false |
Display your products using collapsable cards to use control buttons |
custom_buttons |
array | [] | See Custom Buttons | Used with use_collapsable_card to true . dd more control buttons |
collaspable_buttons_class |
string | col |
Any class you want to use | Used with use_collapsable_card to true . Specify class to use on control buttons |
tap_action |
object | optional | See Action | Used with use_collapsable_card to false . Define the type of action on click, if undefined, nothing happens. |
hold_action |
object | optional | See Action | Used with use_collapsable_card to false . Define the type of action on hold, if undefined, nothing happens. |
double_tap_action |
object | optional | See Action | Used with use_collapsable_card to false . Define the type of action on double click, if undefined, nothing happens. |
confirmation |
object | optional | See confirmation | Display a confirmation popup |
icon |
string | mdi:cart |
mdi:cart |
Icon to display for each product |
All actions supported by Button Card by @RomRider.
for the card to replace it by the real product id. See Custom Buttons for an example.
Name | Type | Default | Supported options | Description |
action |
string | toggle |
more-info , toggle , call-service , none , navigate , url , assist |
Action to perform |
entity |
string | none | Any entity id | Only valid for action: more-info to override the entity on which you want to call more-info |
target |
object | none | Only works with call-service . Follows the home-assistant syntax |
navigation_path |
string | none | Eg: /lovelace/0/ |
Path to navigate to (e.g. /lovelace/0/ ) when action defined as navigate |
url_path |
string | none | Eg: |
URL to open on click when action is url . The URL will open in a new tab |
service |
string | none | Any service | Service to call (e.g. media_player.media_play_pause ) when action defined as call-service |
data or service_data |
object | none | Any service data | Service data to include (e.g. entity_id: media_player.bedroom ) when action defined as call-service . If your data requires an entity_id , you can use the keywork entity , this will actually call the service on the entity defined in the main configuration of this card. Useful for configuration templates |
haptic |
string | none | success , warning , failure , light , medium , heavy , selection |
Haptic feedback for the Beta IOS App |
repeat |
number | none | eg: 500 |
For a hold_action, you can optionally configure the action to repeat while the button is being held down (for example, to repeatedly increase the volume of a media player). Define the number of milliseconds between repeat actions here. |
repeat_limit |
number | none | eg: 5 |
For Hold action and if repeat if defined, it will stop calling the action after the repeat_limit has been reached. |
confirmation |
object | none | See confirmation | Display a confirmation popup, overrides the default confirmation object |
Same confirmation popup used by Button Card by @RomRider.
Name | Type | Default | Supported options | Description |
text |
string | none | Any text | This text will be displayed in the popup. Supports templates, see templates |
exemptions |
array of users | none | user: USER_ID |
Any user declared in this list will not see the confirmation dialog |
text: '[[[ return `Are you sure you want to add ${entity.attributes.friendly_name} to the shopping list? ]]]'
- user: afdge6a9bsf44d98b890fd7e1b7b4996
Exlude definition by product attribute(s) and value(s).
Name | Type | Default | Supported options | Description |
product attribute | array of values | none | Any product attribute | Define the product attribute(s) and values you want to exclude |
- Demo - Bathroom
- Demo - Fridge
- Demo
- out_of_stock
Include definition by product attribute(s) and value(s).
Name | Type | Default | Supported options | Description |
product attribute | array of values | none | Any product attribute | Define the product attribute(s) and values you want to include |
- out_of_stock
An array of product attribute(s) you want to use to sort your list. This is an order sorting, meaning the first product attribute in the list will be used first to sort.
Name | Type | Default | Supported options | Description |
- | array of values | none | Any product attribute | Define the product attribute(s) you want to use to sort your products |
- location
- friendly_name
An array of custom Button Card by @RomRider.
for the card to replace it by the real product id.
- type: custom:button-card
class: col-3
icon: mdi:cart-off
action: call-service
service: shopping_list_with_grocy.update_note
product_id: '[PRODUCT_ID]'
note: out_of_stock
Download the shopping-list-with-grocy-card
Place the file in your
folder -
Include the card code in your
title: Home resources: - url: /local/shopping-list-with-grocy-card.js type: module
This integration is available in HACS (Home Assistant Community Store). You can click on
or install it manually as follows:
- In Home Assistant, go to HACS > Integrations
- Press the Explore & Add Repositories button
- Search for "Grocy" and choose this integration
- Press the Install this repository in HACS button
- Press the Install button
- Refresh home-assistant.
type: custom:slwg-product-card
display_as_poster: true
shopping_list_id: 1
- location
- friendly_name
- Demo - Bathroom
- Demo - Fridge
confirmation:Are you sure you want to add Bread to the shopping list?
text: >-
[[[ return `Are you sure you want to remove
${entity.attributes.friendly_name} from the shopping list?` ]]]
- user: >-
[[[ if
== "on")
return `5711f3d21be04a4bb3f1ef114deeea61`;
return `1234`; ]]]
- user: >-
[[[ if
== "on")
return `afdfesdwb5d4gt98b890fd0e1q7b4996`;
return `1234`; ]]]
action: call-service
service: shopping_list_with_grocy.add_product
product_id: '[PRODUCT_ID]'
text: >-
[[[ return `Are you sure you want to add
${entity.attributes.friendly_name} to the shopping list?` ]]]
- user: >-
[[[ if
== "on")
return `5711f3d21be04a4bb3f1ef114deeea61`;
return `1234`; ]]]
- user: >-
[[[ if
== "on")
return `afdfesdwb5d4gt98b890fd0e1q7b4996`;
return `1234`; ]]]
action: call-service
service: shopping_list_with_grocy.remove_product
product_id: '[PRODUCT_ID]'
action: call-service
service: shopping_list_with_grocy.remove_product
product_id: '[PRODUCT_ID]'
- type: 'vertical-stack'
- type: custom:slwg-shopping-list-card
- Demo - Bathroom
- Demo - Fridge
- out_of_stock
shopping_list_id: 1
- location
- friendly_name
collaspable_buttons_class: col-3
- type: custom:button-card
class: col-3
icon: mdi:cart-off
action: call-service
service: shopping_list_with_grocy.update_note
product_id: '[PRODUCT_ID]'
note: out_of_stock
- type: entities
title: Out of stock
- type: divider
- type: custom:slwg-shopping-list-card
- Demo - Bathroom
- Demo - Fridge
- out_of_stock
shopping_list_id: 1
use_collapsable_card: false
icon: mdi:cart-arrow-up
- location
- friendly_name
color: disabled
action: call-service
service: shopping_list_with_grocy.update_note
product_id: '[PRODUCT_ID]'
note: ''
- RomRider for the readme template and some awesome templates and cards you've created.
- thomasloven, RossMcMillan92 and ownbee for the inspiration and the awesome templates and cards you've created.