All of these template codes are solutions of offlines and mostly online assignments of previous year batches (17, 18, 19)
- Arithmetic Operations with Input Parsing : Takes two integers and an arithmetic operator as input, performs the specified operation (+, -, *, /), and outputs the result.
- Base 3 to Binary Conversion : Takes a base-3 number as input, converts it to binary, and outputs the result.
- Fibonacci Sequence Calculation up to N : Takes an integer N and outputs the Fibonacci sequence up to the Nth term.
- Finding the Largest Lowercase Character and Converting to Uppercase : Reads a series of characters, identifies the largest lowercase letter, converts it to uppercase, and outputs it.
- GCD Calculation with Input Parsing : Reads two integers and calculates their Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) using the Euclidean algorithm.
- Integer Array Input and Minimum Difference Calculation : Reads an integer array, then finds and outputs the element with the smallest absolute difference to a specified number. This code can also be used for the same problem.
- Array Input and Selection Sort : Inputs an integer array, sorts it using the selection sort algorithm, and prints the sorted array.
- Insertion Sort with Binary Search : Takes an integer array as input, sorts it using insertion sort, and performs a binary search to find a specified element, indicating if and where it was found.
Basic Template
: This code can be used as basic IO template. And this one has sorting integrated too.
These are the problem statements from previous year offlines and onlines.
Problem 1
: Problem Statement -
Problem 2
: Problem Statement -
Problem 3
: Problem Statement -
Problem 4
: Problem Statement -
Problem 5
: Problem Statement
Offline 1
- ADC & LCD Display
Books and Notes:
- "Assembly Language Programming by Ytha Yu and Charles Marut"
- "Emu8086 Tutorials"
EMU8086 Setup: