For auto classifying the quality of photos as good and bad by analyzing the left homographies of photos.
# run with the complete/ dir
# run with the incomplete/ dir
# for a plot showing the distribution of data points
../processed_dataset/cmp/complete/ 99%
[Rot+Proj] result goods=[4733, 4771, 4775, 4823, 4839, 4845, 4849, 4851, 4853, 4859, 4865, 4867, 4877, 4879, 4919, 4973, 4987, 4993, 4999, 5003, 5013, 5031, 5033, 5037, 5043, 5047, 5053, 5057, 5059, 5067, 5077, 5097, 5141, 5167, 5169, 5179, 5181, 5197, 5201, 5203, 5211, 5215, 5223, 5229,...]
[Rot+Proj] Results:
result good=5919
result bad=2207
result border=1806
result border_good=1408
result border_bad=398
goods/all =0.5959524768425292
- goods: [3.75, infty]
- bads: [-infty, 3.4)
- border_goods: [3.5, 3.75)
- border_bads: [3.4, 3.5)
- ml-complete for complete/
- complete-result.txt results saved
- ml-incomplete for incomplete/
- incomplete-result.txt results saved
- Finished:
- Depth Doc
- Depth examples
- On Google Drive
- Classification of ~500 images
- On grail server
- Meeting on Sat notes:
Left graph: Color image
Right graph: Depth image
3D Reconstruction: left -> right
Blue – close White – far
Classify photos into 5 categories:
- Flip
- All-Blue
- Bad: Should be on one plane and no sudden color change, but large or sudden depth change(color change in depth graph)
- Sky-but-not-bad
- Good
- Light effect – consistent ok
- Window – consistent ok
- Updated scripts for it working with complete/ incomplete/
- Using the following indicators
- goods: [3.75, infty]
- bads: [-infty, 3.4)
- border_goods: [3.5, 3.75)
- border_bads: [3.4, 3.5)
- for solely 3.5 and 5
- ml-5 for borders (border_up= 3.75, border_down = 3.4)
- ml-complete for complete/
- complete-result.txt results saved
- ml-incomplete for incomplete/
- incomplete-result.txt results saved
- ml-complete for complete/
- how to run:
python3 python/ json/goods_10075.json ../processed_dataset/cmp/complete/ compose/complete/
- Updated to a new way of getting the effect of projection on the distortion of photos
- (u,v,w) => z’=ux+vy+w
- (x’,y’,z’) = () * (x,y,1)
- (u,v,w)=>(u’,v’,1) => sqrt(u’^2+v’^2)
- Good indicator after test and adjustments:
- 5, 3.5
- train/result/ detailed tables
- train/ classified photo for test
- Updated to an Insequence version for classification: 1) rotation 2) projective
- updated
- Min max results in table
- rotation: <5
- projective: >=3.5
rotation (100) | min | max |
good (73) | 0 (2) | 5.72 (1) |
bad (17) | 1.18 (2) | 118.73(1) |
borderline (10) | 0.13 (1) | 6.3 (1) |
projective (100) | min | max |
good (73) | 3.32 (1) | 5.59 (1) |
bad (17) | 2.74 (1) | 3.88 (1) |
borderline (10) | 3.29 (3) | 4.47 (1) |
- Not effective
- may depend on rotation or projective
- So there may not be overlaps
- ML Purpose:
- Minimize the distortion (consider as bad if distortion too large)
- Decides Acceptability/ pretty level of images
- histogram and tables show distribution of projective & rotation transform
- 3 steps:
- train 60 data
- an initial indicator decides good/bad
- validate with the other 40
- test with rest images
- from tomography to theta:
- (good course on 3D vision)
- Affine:
- Example of getting the homographies
x ='rectification_mats.mat') # the left and right homography matrices can be accessed by Hl = x['tl'] Hr = x['tr'] # Let (u,v,1) be the pixel positions in the original image, new pixel position after the homography is given by (u',v',1) = (u,v,1)*Hl
- first version
- Read resea rch paper/ wikipedia
- Computing Rectifying Homographies for Stereo Vision
- Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications—Richard Szeliski
- Homographies
- affine transformation (translation, scale, shear, rotation)
- 2d - 3x3
- 3d - 4x4
- last col 0 0 1
- openCV cvtoarray intensity
- numpy mat
- projection