This is our Idea for SRM Hackathoin organised in the month of October. Here our idea was to develop an application under E-Commerce. We developed a Android App on Medicine Delivery System. Here in this, we have 3 apps, one of user end, one of Doctor end and one of delivery boy end. Doctor can prescribe medicines to the user and can even have chat with the user. The user can chat with the doctor and get a prescription which is stored in the database. Using that prescription, a user can order medicines. Also, they can track their orders. Delivery boy accepts order and then fetches the order and then delivers for us.
The login Menu remains the same.
This is the user menu.
To see our prescriptions, we tap on prescriptions.
Doctor's app has following menu
Now in doctor app, Here's how we select user whom we need to give prescription
To write prescription, here's how we do it.
Delivery boy has following menu.
Here, he can see the orders in this manner:
To process an order, delivery boy will process in this manner: