Python Data Structures and Algorithms Welcome to my Python Data Structures and Algorithms repository! Here, I've documented my solutions to a variety of DSA questions from prominent coding platforms such as LeetCode, GeeksforGeeks, and Coding Ninjas. These solutions showcase different approaches and strategies employed to tackle diverse problem sets.
- Arrays: Solutions to array-related problems.
- Linked Lists: Implementations and problem-solving involving linked lists.
- Stacks and Queues: Solutions demonstrating the use of stacks and queues.
- Trees: Tree-related problems and algorithms for traversal.
- Graphs: Graph algorithms and problem-solving approaches.
- Sorting and Searching: Different sorting and searching techniques.
- Dynamic Programming: Dynamic programming solutions for optimization problems.
- Hashing: Implementations utilizing hash tables.
- Strings: Problem-solving involving string manipulation.
- Greedy Algorithms: Solutions employing greedy algorithmic approaches.
- Heap: Implementations and problem-solving utilizing heaps.
- Pattern Based: Solutions based on pattern recognition.
- Recursion: Recursive solutions to various problems.
- Binary Search: Problems solved using binary search techniques.
- Sliding Window: Solutions involving sliding window algorithms.
- Trie: Implementations and problem-solving utilizing trie data structures.
Coding Platforms