Customized desktop environment with suckless softwares, deployed on Gentoo.
version: dwm-6.3
System dependency
`-- media-libs/fontconfig-2.13.1-r2 (media-libs/fontconfig) amd64 `-- x11-libs/libX11-1.7.3 (x11-libs/libX11) amd64 `-- x11-libs/libXft-2.3.4 (x11-libs/libXft) amd64 `-- x11-libs/libXinerama-1.1.4-r1 (x11-libs/libXinerama) amd64 `-- x11-base/xorg-proto-2021.5 (x11-base/xorg-proto) amd64
To Use emoji
By default, using emoji will break the system due to some error in libXft, need to patch and rebuild.
see this link
- get this patch
- Put patch in /etc/portage/patches/x11-libs/libXft (whatever version is used, if the folder not exists, create it) and rebuild libXft package
- install font
- noto-emoji (install with emerge)
- twemoji:
other apps
These apps are configured in this build
- pulsemixer
- firefox (Super-Shift-w)
- emacs (Super-e)
- xbacklight
- emacs-everywhere (Super-Shift-e)
- st (Super-enter)
- fcitx (for Chinese input) (Ctrl-Space)
- dwm-6.1-single_tagset.diff
- dwm-actualfullscreen-20211013-cb3f58a.diff
- dwm-alpha-20201019-61bb8b2.diff
- dwm-sticky-6.1.diff
- dwm-swallow-20201211-61bb8b2.diff
- dwm-xresources-20210827-138b405.diff
- dwm-vanitygaps-6.2.diff (tile, bstack, bstackhoriz, centeredmaster, centeredfloatingmaster, deck, fibonacci (dwindle, spiral), grid, nrowgrid)
- dwm-statuscmd-status2d-20210405-60bb3df.diff
- dwm-dwmc-6.2.diff
Customized statusbar with dwmblocks
Showed Status
- weather
- network
- memory usage
- input method (English/Chinese)
- battery status
- date