Collaborated work by Kaining Zhang, Pingchuan Ma, Binxu Wang
Trial structure : for each stimuli 40ms before start, 15ms during stimuli, 60ms after stimuli.
Examine the Odor and their natural functions
- Odor and their receptor and their pathway
- EA, EB, MH are similar chemical (ester) is food odor
- 1-octen-3-ol
- Bzald (Benzaldehyde), Acet (Acetophenone)
Response matrix
draw a distribution of the responsive neuron on z axis.
Matrix factorization
- SVD (KN)
- Non negative matrix factorization (NMF) (BX)
classify neuron based on their response to stimulus.
- Hierachical clustering??? (based on distance) (BX)
- K means (On response/off response ; PCA Dimension reduction ) (KN)
- Plot cluster distribution on z axis
Draw the neurons population trajectory to the stimuli.(have done) (KN)
- LLE / Other non linear dimension reduction
Background research
- Anatomical location
- connectivity ~ Antennal lobe, Mushroom Body
- Laminar structure?????
- Computational function??????? (Expansion / compression????)
- Function in sensory transformation ?
Spatial Temporal Structure of Lateral Horn Input