A simple flask code transformed in one "app.exe" and run with ChromeApp
I tried to explain everything, but some doubt, you could send a mensage.
You need to this project -> Python, Flask, PyInstaller and pymysql.
* pymysql, is only for MySQL, you can change this if you use any other type of database.
Your Database, use witch better for you, in this project, I used MySQL. Works with all accept by Python!
Know the basic in HTML, CSS and JavaScript to use Flask.
For the Framework:
- Strongly recommended Jquery and Materialize (I used it in this project)
- You can change for another, it's your choice!
Tree folder:
- app.py (main)
- options.py (settings DB)
- storage.py (connection with MySQL Database, CRUD)
- reg.py (catch chrome path)
- car_bd.sql (sql file with Database Syntax)
templates (HTML Template)
- index_base.html (base for the Header and footer in index)
- index.html (Login)
- car.html (Principal page/ Consult, Edit and Delete)
- car_base.html (base for the Header and footer in car and new_car)
- new_car.html (Register page/ Insert)
static (stay image)
- admin.jpg (pricipal image)
- favicon.jpg (icon to app.exe)
- office.jpg (backgroun on menu tab)
venv (so necessary)
_This is a Virtual Environment on Python!
For PyInstaller you need compile the code on Python 3.X until 3.6 (not working 3.7)
pyinstaller --onefile --windowed --add-data "templates;templates" --add-data "static;static" --icon=favicon.ico app.py
--onefile (create only .exe) --windowed (not open cmd viewer) --add-data (import the templates and static folders to .exe) --icon (just put a icon on your .exe)
Start with venv.
on your promp, type: "pip install virtualenv" to install.
next "virtualenv venv", to create.
"source venv/bin/activate"
- Windows:
Install all pip extensions.
Inside the folder "app"
Set up the FLASK APP:
- Windowns:
"set FLASK_APP=app.py"
- Linux and MAC/OS:
"export FLASK_APP=app.py"
To start the project:
- run: "flask run"
to turn flask in the DEBUG mode.
- This mode will update the code automatically
To turn on DEBUG mode:
"set FLASK_ENV=development" on windows
"export FLASK_ENV=development" on LINUX