- App to view and add contacts to phone native contacts list using the Ionic framework.
- Another great Ionic Quick Win from Simon Grimm IonicAcademy Youtube video 'Ionic 4 Native Contact Management (Call, SMS)' with updates
- Note: to open web links in a new window use: ctrl+click on link
- App lists all contacts from the phone Contacts list and a contact can be added. The user can also call or send an sms to a contact.
- Ionic v6
- Ionic/angular v6
- Angular framework v13
- Cordova plugin Contacts v3. This plugin is being deprecated
- Cordova plugin sms v1
- Cordova plugin call number v1
- Install dependencies using
npm i
- To start the server on localhost://8100 type: 'ionic serve'
- function to load all contacts so they can be shown on-screen as a list.
loadContacts() {
let options = {
filter: '',
multiple: true,
hasPhoneNumber: true
this.contacts.find(['*'], options).then((contacts: Contact[]) => {
this.myContacts = contacts;
console.log('Contacts: ', contacts);
- User can call a contact or send them an sms.
- Status: Compiles and displays in simulator on 'ionic serve --devapp'. Needs to be installed on device to test it.
- To-do: Deploy to device and test.
- This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
- Repo created by ABateman, email: gomezbateman@yahoo.com