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Custom Firmware for NsPanel with the design of HomeAssistant's lovelace UI in mind, works with Tasmota.

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NSPanel Lovelace UI

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NsPanel Lovelace UI is a Firmware for the nextion screen inside of NSPanel in the Design of HomeAssistant's Lovelace UI Design.

EU Model and US Model supported (in portrait and landscape orientation)

Content of the screen is controlled by a AppDaemon Python Script installed on your HomeAssistant Instance.

Or an TypeScript on your ioBroker Instance in case you are an ioBroker User.

NsPanel needs to be flashed with Tasmota (or upcoming with ESPHome)


  • Entities Page with support for cover, switch, input_boolean, binary_sensor, sensor, button, number, scenes, script, input_button and light, input_text (read-only)
  • Grid Page with support for cover, switch, input_boolean, button, scenes, and light
  • Detail Pages for Lights (Brightness, Temperature and Color of the Light) and for Covers (Position)
  • Thermostat Page
  • Media Player Card
  • Alarm Control Panel
  • Screensaver Page with Time, Date and Weather Information
  • Localization possible (currently 38 languages)
  • Everything is dynamically configurable by a yaml config, no need to code or touch Nextion Editor

It works with Tasmota and MQTT. To control the panel and update it with content from HomeAssistant there is an AppDaemon App.

See the following picture to get an idea of the look of this firmware for NSPanel.


Some (not all) screenshots from the US Portrait Version:



  1. Install Tasmota to NSPanel
  2. Install Berry Driver in Tasmota and setup MQTT
  3. Flash Nextion Firmware
  4. Install AppDaemon, setup MQTT and install Backend Application

For more detailed Instructions see the following Sections:


Installation - Home Automation Part (Home Assistant)

This section describes the Installation Steps for HomeAssistant, follow each step.

1. Installing HomeAssiant Add-Ons

Installing AppDaemon

The backend application for HomeAssistant is written in a python for AppDaemon. This means it requires a working and running installation of AppDaemon.

The easiest way to install it is through Home Assistant's Supervisor Add-on Store, it will be automaticly connected to your Home Assistant Instance.


Add babel package to AppDaemon Container (Optional)

For localisation (date in your local language) you need to add the python package babel to your AppDaemon Installation.


Installing Studio Code Server (optional, recommended)

You will need a way to edit the apps.yaml config file in the Appdaemon folder. Install Studio Code Server from Home Assistant's Supervisor Add-on Store to easily edit configuration Files on your HomeAssistant Instance.

2. Installing HomeAssiant Community Store

Installing HACS

HACS is the Home Assistant Community Store and allows for community integrations and automations to be updated cleanly and easily from the Home Assistant web user interface. It's simple to install the AppDaemon app without HACS, but keeping up to date requires manual steps that HACS will handle for you: you will be notified of updates, and they can be installed by a click on a button.

If you want to use HACS, you will have to follow their documentation on how to install HACS.

3. Installing Lovelace AppDaemon Backend Application

Installing AppDaemon Backend Application

To install Lovelace UI Backend App with HACS, you will need to make sure that you enabled AppDaemon automations in HACS, as these are not enabled by default:

  1. Click on Configuration on the left menu bar in Home Assistant Web UI
  2. Select Devices & Services
  3. Select Integrations
  4. Find HACS and click on Configure
  5. In the window that opens, make sure that Enable AppDaemon apps discovery & tracking is checked, or check it and click Submit
  6. If you just enabled this (or just installed HACS), you might have to wait a few minutes as all repositories are being fetched; you might hit a GitHub rate limit, which might then require you to wait a few hours for HACS to be fully configured. In this case, you won't be able to proceed to the next steps until HACS is ready.

Now, to install NSPanel Lovelace UI Backend with HACS, follow these steps:

  1. Click on HACS on the left menu bar in Home Assistant Web UI
  2. Click on Automations in the right panel
  3. Click on Explore & download repositories in the bottom right corner
  4. Search for NSPanel, and click on NSPanel Lovelace UI Backend in the list that appears
  5. In the bottom right corner of the panel that appears, click on Download this repository with HACS
  6. A confirmation panel will appear, click on Download, and wait for HACS to proceed with the download
  7. The Backend Application is now installed, and HACS will inform you when updates are available

Installation - Home Automation Part (IoBroker)

If you are looking for an ioBroker Integration instead of HomeAssistant take a look into the Readme of the iobroker folder. Thanks to britzelpuf for this integration.

Installation - NSPanel Part

This section describes how to free your nspanel from stock firmware and get it ready for Lovelace UI 🎉

You only need to do one Tasmota OR ESPHome

Installation Instructions for Tasmota (Recommended)

Flash Tasmota to your NSPanel

You need to connect to your nspanel via serial and flash the tasmota32-nspanel.bin to your NSPanel. Make sure to come back to this guide, before uploading the files. For more deatils see the NSPanel Page of the Tasmota Template Repository.

Configure Tasmota Template for NSPanel

Configure the NSPanel template for Tasmota. (Go to Configuration and Configure Other and paste the template there, make sure to tick the activate checkbox)


You can use the following template or copy the one on the Tasmota Template Repo Site.

{"NAME":"NSPanel","GPIO":[0,0,0,0,3872,0,0,0,0,0,32,0,0,0,0,225,0,480,224,1,0,0,0,33,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4736,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":1,"CMND":"ADCParam 2,11200,10000,3950 | Sleep 0 | BuzzerPWM 1"}

After a reboot of tasmota your screen will light up with the stock display firmware.

Setup your MQTT Server in Tasmota

Configure your MQTT Server in Tasmota. See Tasmota MQTT Documentation for more details.


Upload Berry Driver to Tasmota

  1. Download the from the repository: Berry Driver

  2. Go to Consoles > Manage File System in Tasmota and upload the previously downloaded file.

  3. Restart your NSPanel

Flash Firmware to Nextion Screen

Note for ioBroker Users: Check the Release Notes, if the ioBroker Backend is not up to date with the current release there will be a note and you have to flash the latest compatible version from there.

Use your own Webserver

Upload the nspanel.tft from the lastest release to a Webserver (for example www folder of Home Assistant) and execute the following command in Tasmota Console. (Development Version: tft file from HMI folder)

Webserver must be HTTP, HTTPS is not supported, due to limitations of berry lang on tasmota

FlashNextion http://ip-address-of-your-homeassistant:8123/local/nspanel.tft

Use my webserver

Due the limitations of Berry, it's not possible to download the tft file directly from github, so I'm also renting a small server where you can download the file via HTTP.

Use the one following commands to flash the latest release from this repository, just execute the following Command in Tasmota:

EU Version: FlashNextion

US Version Portrait: FlashNextion

US Version Landscape: FlashNextion

Installation Instructions for ESPHome

Support for ESPHome is WIP, see this third-party ESPHome component which allows using ESPHome instead of Tasmota.


Configuring the MQTT integration in AppDaemon

For the app to work you need a working MQTT Configuration in AppDaemon. Please add the configuration of your mqtt server, user and password to your existing appdaemon.yaml

NOTE: This are not the options of the AppDaemon Addon in HomeAssistant. You will find this file under: config/appdaemon/appdeamon.yaml

secrets: /config/secrets.yaml
  latitude: 52.0
  longitude: 4.0
  elevation: 2
  time_zone: Europe/Berlin
      type: hass
      type: mqtt
      namespace: mqtt
      client_id: "appdaemon"
      client_port: 1883
      client_user: "mqttuser"
      client_password: "mqttpassword"
      client_topics: NONE

Please see appdaemon.yaml as an exmaple.

Configure your NSPanel in AppDaemon

Confiure your NSPanel as you like, you need to edit the apps.yaml inside of your Appdaemon config folder. You can have multiple nspanel sections. There are some more exmaples in the appdaemon folder of this repo.

  module: nspanel-lovelace-ui
  class: NsPanelLovelaceUIManager
    panelRecvTopic: "tele/tasmota_your_mqtt_topic/RESULT"
    panelSendTopic: "cmnd/tasmota_your_mqtt_topic/CustomSend"
    updateMode: "auto-notify"
    sleepTimeout: 20
    #sleepBrightness: 10
      - time: "7:00:00"
        value: 10
      - time: "23:00:00"
        value: 0
    locale: "de_DE" # used for translations in and for localized date if babel python package is installed
      entity: weather.k3ll3r
      - type: cardEntities
          - entity: switch.example_item
            name: NameOverride
            icon: lightbulb
          - entity: light.example_item
          - entity: cover.example_item
          - entity: input_boolean.example_item
        title: Example Entities 1
      - type: cardEntities
          - entity: switch.example_item
          - entity: delete
          - entity: cover.example_item
          - entity: input_boolean.example_item
        title: Example Entities 2
      - type: cardEntities
          - entity: binary_sensor.example_item
          - entity: sensor.example_item
          - entity: button.example_item
          - entity: number.example_item
        title: Example Entities 3
      - type: cardEntities
          - entity: scenes.example_item
          - entity: script.example_item
          - entity: button.example_item
          - entity: input_button.example_item
        title: Example Entities 4
      - type: cardGrid
          - entity: light.example_item
          - entity: switch.example_item
          - entity: delete
          - entity: button.example_item
          - entity: cover.example_item
          - entity: delete # delete at the end is optional
        title: Exmaple Gird
      - type: cardThermo
        entity: climate.example_item
      - type: cardMedia
        entity: media_player.example_item
      - type: cardAlarm
        entity: alarm_control_panel.alarmo
key optional type default description
module False string The module name of the app.
class False string The name of the Class.
config False complex Config/Mapping between Homeassistant and your NsPanel

Possible configuration values for config key

key optional type default description
panelRecvTopic False string tele/tasmota_your_mqtt_topic/RESULT The mqtt topic used to receive messages.
panelSendTopic False string cmnd/tasmota_your_mqtt_topic/CustomSend The mqtt topic used to send messages.
updateMode True string auto-notify Update Mode; Possible values: "auto", "auto-notify", "manual"
model True string eu Model; Possible values: "eu", "us-l" and "us-p"
sleepTimeout True integer 20 Timeout for the screen to enter screensaver, to disable screensaver use 0
sleepBrightness True integer/complex 20 Brightness for the screen to enter screensaver, see example below for complex/scheduled config.
sleepTracking True string None Forces screensaver brightness to 0 in case entity state is not_home or off, can be a group, person or device_tracker entity.
locale True string en_US Used by babel to determinante Date format on screensaver, also used for localization.
dateFormatBabel True string full formatting options on
timeFormat True string %H:%M Time Format on screensaver. Substring after ? is displayed in a seperate smaller textbox. Useful for 12h time format with AM/PM "%I:%M ?%p"
dateFormat True string %A, %d. %B %Y date format used if babel is not installed
cards False complex configuration for cards that are displayed on panel
screensaver True complex configuration for screensaver
hiddenCards True complex configuration for cards that can be accessed though navigate items
Possible languages for locale config key

  • af_xx - Afrikaans
  • ar_xx - Arabic
  • bg_xx - Bulgarian
  • ca_xx - Catalan
  • cs_xx - Czech
  • da_xx - Danish
  • de_xx - German
  • el_xx - Greek
  • en_xx - English
  • es_xx - Spanish
  • et_xx - Estonian
  • fa_xx - Persian
  • fi_xx - Finnish
  • fr_xx - French
  • he_xx - Hebrew
  • hr_xx - Croatian
  • hu_xx - Hungarian
  • hy_xx - Armenian
  • id_xx - Indonesian
  • is_xx - Icelandic
  • it_xx - Italian
  • lb_xx - Luxembourgish
  • lt_xx - Lithuanian
  • lv_xx - Latvian
  • nb_xx - Norwegian
  • nl_xx - Dutch
  • nn_xx - Norwegian
  • pl_xx - Polish
  • pt_xx - Portuguese
  • ro_xx - Romanian
  • ru_xx - Russian
  • sk_xx - Slovak
  • sl_xx - Slovenian
  • sv_xx - Swedish
  • th_xx - Thai
  • tr_xx - Turkish
  • uk_xx - Ukrainian
  • vi_xx - Vietnamese

Possible configuration values for a card in card config

key optional type default description
type False string None Used by navigate items
entities False complex None contains entities of the card, applys only to cardEntities and cardGrid
title True string None Title of the Page
entity False string None contains the entity of the current card, valid for cardThermo, cardAlarm and cardMedia
key True string None Used by navigate items

Possible configuration values for screensaver config

key optional type default description
entity True string weather.example weather entity from homeassistant
weatherUnit True string celsius unit for temperature, valid values are celsius or fahrenheit
weatherOverrideForecast1 True complex None sensor entity from home assistant here to override the first weather forecast item on the screensaver
weatherOverrideForecast2 True complex None sensor entity from home assistant here to override the second weather forecast item on the screensaver
weatherOverrideForecast3 True complex None sensor entity from home assistant here to override the third weather forecast item on the screensaver
weatherOverrideForecast4 True complex None sensor entity from home assistant here to override the forth weather forecast item on the screensaver
doubleTapToUnlock True boolean False requires to tap screensaver two times
alternativeLayout True boolean False alternative layout with humidity
defaultCard True string None default page after exiting screensaver; only works with top level cards defined in cards; needs to be a navigation item, see subpages (navigate.type_key)
key True string None Used by navigate items

Example for the weatherOverride config options:

        entity: sensor.example_item
        name: name
        icon: lightbulb

Schedule sleep brightness

It is possible to schedule a brightness change for the screen at specific times.

      - time: "7:00:00"
        value: 10
      - time: "23:00:00"
        value: 0
      - time: "sunrise"
        value: 10
      - time: "sunset + 1:00:00"
        value: 0

Override Icons or Names

To override Icons or Names of entities you can configure an icon and/or name in your configuration, please see the following example. Only the icons listed in the Icon Cheatsheet are useable.

          - entity: light.test_item
            name: NameOverride
            icon: lightbulb


You can configure entities with with the prefix navigate, that are navigating to cards, in case it's hidden card, the navigation items will change and the arrow is bringing you back to the privious page.

          - entity: navigate.cardGrid_testKey

will allow you to navigate to a cardGrid page with the configured key testKey

      - type: cardGrid
        title: Exmaple Grid
          - entity: light.test_item
        key: testKey

How to update

Updating involves mainly already descriped steps from installation, so this is a short summary.

This project has three main parts, on a new release you usally need to update at least two of them, the AppDaemon Backend and the firmware of the display. Sometimes there are also changes to the berry driver script on tasmota.

Note the commands in the following section will update to the current development version of this repository, use the command from release page if you want to use a release version

Update AppDaemon Script

HACS will show you that there is an update avalible and ask you to update.

Update Display Firmware

Use the following command to update or use your own webserver. If you are using a recent release you also should be able to update directly with a notification on the screen.

EU Version: FlashNextion

US Version Portrait: FlashNextion

US Version Landscape: FlashNextion

Update Tasmota Berry Driver

Since release 1.1 you can update the berry driver directly from the Tasmota Console with the following command.


FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Flashing of the Display Firmware with FlashNextion doesn't work

  1. Make sure to use the tasmota32-nspanel.bin Tasmota build.
  2. Make sure to use HTTP and not HTTPS

Waiting for content - This is taking longer than usual on the screen

Please check your MQTT Topics in your apps.yaml and your mqtt configuration on tasmota.

How to upgrade from a release to the current development version

  1. Update App in HACS to main

Click redownload in the menu of the app in HACS.

Select main version.


Wait for it to load, dropdown needs to be selectable again

Click download.

  1. Restart AppDaemon

  2. Flash current Development Firmware in Tasmota Console.


Development happens in the EU version, so it is possible that the US Version isn't up to date with the current development version of the EU firmware, the lastet US versions are still downloadable with the following links:

FlashNextion FlashNextion


Custom Firmware for NsPanel with the design of HomeAssistant's lovelace UI in mind, works with Tasmota.






No packages published


  • HTML 79.5%
  • Python 10.0%
  • TypeScript 9.3%
  • Berry 1.2%