Releases: AndnixSH/APKToolGUI
APK Tool GUI v3.3.1.5
Any such report from your antivirus is a false positive and is due to how the application works. Please manually add APKToolGUI.exe to your antivirus's whitelist/exclusion list if it's detected. Otherwise, compile the source by yourself
What's Changed
- Updated Apktool and Apkeditor to latest version
- Splitter between logs box and tab window is now draggable
- Fixed an issue with creating unsigned APK
APK Tool GUI v3.3.1.4
Any such report from your antivirus is a false positive and is due to how the application works. Please manually add APKToolGUI.exe to your antivirus's whitelist/exclusion list if it's detected. Otherwise, compile the source by yourself
What's Changed
- Fixed issues adding original signature back to unsigned APK
- Fixed a critical vulnerability by removing DotNetZip library and transition to System.IO.Compression
- Added option to set threads
- Added Vietnamese language
- Updated Chinese Simplified language
APK Tool GUI v3.3.1.3
Any such report from your antivirus is a false positive and is due to how the application works. Please manually add APKToolGUI.exe to your antivirus's whitelist/exclusion list if it's detected. Otherwise, compile the source by yourself
Download the zip file below, not the "Source code"
What's Changed
- Updated APKTool to 2.10.0, APKEditor to 1.4.0 and all other tools
- Minor fixes of drag and drop on merge APK section
- Support window resizing
- Fixed issue decompiling split apk using Apkeditor
APK Tool GUI v3.3.1.2
Virustotal 0/71:
Any such report from your antivirus is a false positive and is due to how the application works. Please manually add APKToolGUI.exe to your antivirus's whitelist/exclusion list if it's detected. Otherwise, compile the source by yourself
Download the file below, not the "Source code"
What's Changed
- Option to override ABI for ADB
- Fixed Target SDK showing wrong API level
- Target SDK will detect up to API level 35/Android 15
APK Tool GUI v3.3.1.1
Virustotal 1/71:
Any such report from your antivirus is a false positive and is due to how the application works. Please manually add APKToolGUI.exe to your antivirus's whitelist/exclusion list if it's detected. Otherwise, compile the source by yourself
Download the file below, not the "Source code"
What's Changed
- Fixed buttons not ungraying after ADB installation
- Fixed "Merge APK" button not greying out during the process
- Updated German language
APK Tool GUI v3.3.1.0
Virustotal 2/71:
Any such report from your antivirus is a false positive and is due to how the application works. Please manually add APKToolGUI.exe to your antivirus's whitelist/exclusion list if it's detected. Otherwise, compile the source by yourself
Download the file below, not the "Source code"
What's Changed
- Updated dependencies
- Print exceptions
- Support decompiling/compiling using ApkEditor
- Adjust settings saving
- Merge split APK to single APK without decompiling
- Added german language
- Updated Apktool to 2.9.3
- Updated APKeditor to 1.3.4
- Print APKEditor version
APK Tool GUI v3.3.0.1
0 / 71 detections of this release. I'm happy to see the false positives has been resolved by anti-virus providers
Download the file below, not the "Source code"
If you are encounting an error "Invalid CEN header (invalid zip64 extra data field size)", please enable "custom JVM arguments" in settings to temporary fix this issue. See issue #13 on Github repo
What's Changed
- Fixed an issue that caused installation fail after compiling
APK Tool GUI v3.3.0.0
Download the ZIP file below, not the "Source code"
If you are using Java 20 and encountered "Invalid CEN header (invalid zip64 extra data field size)" error, enable "custom JVM arguments" in settings to temporary fix this issue. See issue #13 on Github repo
What's Changed
- Updated Simplified Chinese translation
- Removed android.intent.action.MAIN from "Fix ApkTool errors after decompile"
- Updated tools (apktool.jar (2.8.1), APKEditor.jar (1.3.2), aapt.exe (SDK 34), aapt2.exe (SDK 34), adb.exe (34.0.4-10411341), apksigner.jar (SDK 34), zipalign.exe (SDK 34))
- Added debug mode to print more logs
- Fixed java version
- "Fix ApkTool errors after decompile" No longer change target SDK to 29
- Added option to clear temp folder
- Improve dark theme a bit
- Added option to not parse APK info when selecting APK for decompiling
- Fixed sign after zipalign
- Added option to open new Instance
- Added jump list
- Parse alt-native-code from aapt
- Added custom JVM args
- All settings portable
- Move labels to tooltips to keep UI clean
- Change sparseResources to false for "Fix ApkTool errors after decompile"
- Fix crash when drag and dropping APK file
APK Tool GUI v3.2.2.0
What's Changed
- Dark theme (Currently there is no dark scrollbar, and tabs looks quite ugly)
- Fix crash when dropping decompiled APK on compile panel
- Added View APK info in context menu (You must reinstall context menu)
- Fixed attempting to install APK even it's disabled
- Updated APKEditor.jar to 1.2.0
APK Tool GUI v3.2.1.0
What's Changed
- Fixed an error when decompiling split APK for the second time
- Updated Russian language
- Updated Hungarian language
- Updated dependencies
- Make log output read only
- Updated resources: aapt.exe, aapt2.exe, apksigner.jar, zipalign.exe, adb.exe
- Removed libaapt2_jni.dll