GrafanaExporter is a utility program for saving batches of chart .PNG images from specific Grafana dashboard with configured grafana-image-renderer plugin.
[RU] Утилита для сохранения PNG изображений графиков с определенного дашборда Grafana с настроенным плагином Grafana Image Renderer.
GrafanaExporter uses grafana-image-renderer
-provided HTTP API interface to download and save chart images.
Download URL for Grafana with grafana-image-renderer
Usage: java -jar GrafanaExporter.jar [options]
Option | Type | Description |
--config , -c |
Required | Path to GrafanaExporter XML configuration file |
--from , -f |
Required | Value to use as time range 'from' part for charts. Absoulute, relative, unixtime should work. See documentation. |
--to , -t |
Required | Value to use as time range 'to' part for charts. Value format is the same as above. |
--concurrency |
Optional | Number of concurrent downloads. Default: 1 |
--destination , -d |
Optional | Destination path for saving images files. Overrides destination specified in XML configuration file |
--prefix , -p |
Optional | Prefix to add to all file names specified in XML configuration file |
--help , -h |
Optional | Show usage help |
YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH24:MI:SS time format:
java -jar GrafanaExporter.jar --config C:\config.xml --from 2020-01-01T10:00:00 --to 2020-01-01T11:00:00
Relative time:
java -jar GrafanaExporter.jar -c C:\config.xml -f now-1h -t now
Epoch millis time:
java -jar GrafanaExporter.jar -c C:\config.xml -f 1655308790000 -t 16553087960000
<Param name="theme">light</Param>
<Var name="host">myhost</Var>
<Var name="host">myhost2</Var>
<Var name="host">myhost</Var>
<Var name="host">myhost2</Var>
XML Element | Type | Occurrence | Description |
Host |
String | {1} | Grafana base URL. Example: http://localhost:3000 |
Dashboard |
String | {1} | Dashboard name. Example: http://localhost/grafana/d/5FGhJhv4z/sample-sashboard?orgId=1 |
DashboardUID |
String | {1} | Dashboard unique ID. Example: http://localhost/grafana/d/5FGhJhv4z/sample-sashboard?orgId=1 |
ApiKey |
String | {1} | Grafana API key. See documentation |
Destination |
String | {1} | Destination directory to save images. Example: C:\out |
Timezone |
String | {0, 1} | Timezone. Example: Europe/Moscow |
Timeout |
Integer | {0, 1} | Timeout for downloads. Example: 120 |
Param |
Array | {0,} | Array of Grafana params to pass in %name%=%value% format. Examples: theme=light |
Var |
Array | {0,} | Array of Grafana variables to pass in var-%name%=%value% for dashboard variables. Examples: var-host=myhost |
Panel |
Array of 'Panel' element | {0,} | List of panel specific information. |
XML Element | Type | Occurrence | Description |
PanedId |
String | {1} | Id of dashboard panel. Example: http://localhost/grafana/d/5FGhJhv4z/sample-sashboard?viewPanel=1&orgId=1 |
Name |
String | {1} | Name for chart image file. Example: cpu_usage_myhost |
Folder |
String | {0,1} | Subfolder to save image to. Example: myhost |
Width |
Integer | {1} | Image width in pixes. Example: 1000 |
Height |
Integer | {1} | Image height in pixes. Example: 500 |
Param |
Array | {0,} | Array of Grafana params to pass in %name%=%value% format. Examples: theme=light |
Var |
Array | {0,} | Array of Grafana variables to pass in var-%name%=%value% for dashboard variables. Examples: var-host=myhost |