A Health Related Fitness Website Made With React Js. Apart From That i used firebase for authentication system.I will be adding some more features in future
- Language: JavaScript
- Frontend Library: React.JS
- State Management: Rest Api
- UI Component: Tailwind CSS
- Web Server: Node.JS
- CI/CD: Github, Firebase.
npm install
npm run build
npm start
The website here was designed to be simple and non fussy. The gallery images top centre shows two guys giving a high five. When attending a gym class one needs to form mini teams to go through the equipment for e.g. HIIT or TABATA classes. Mutual support and motivation increases class enjoyment an increseases health outcomes.
Most Gym users are researching classes and availability during a busy day at work. They want instant access to information with little clicking and scrolling. This website has a clear Classes page with a Contact Us page. Most Gym Website users are already attending a gym and just want to know some basic details.
- The site's users are gym members and potential members, who want to know more about the gym and its procedures.
- We build private routes and public routes for different purposes.
- The gym is interested in attracting and retaining members.
- As a Gym user 99% of the time I just want to know what time the classes were on and which classes are available.
- As a Gym provider the gallery section provides welcoming images of the Gym.
- The website promotes health related blogs where.
- There is a section where you can find many gym equpment products .
- Google Authentication and Log in
- Email Registration and Sign In