This repository contains the resources of the following 1st year courses in the 2022 scheme of RV College of Engineering
- Fundamentals of Linear Algebra, Calculus & Statistics(MAT211CT)
- Number Theory, Vector Calculus & Computational Methods(MAT221CT)
- Quantum Physics for Engineers(PHY221CI)
- Chemistry of Engineering Materials(CHY221CI)
- Principles of Electronics Engineering(EC113AT / EC123AT)
- Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering(ME113AT/ME123AT)
- Basics of Electrical Engineering
- Introduction to Embedded Systems(EC114BT / EC124BT)
- Introduction to Internet of Things(AI114ATA)
Introduction to Python Programming(AI115AI / AI125AI)
- Fundamentals of Indian Constitution(HSS114CT/HSS124CT)
- Scientific Foundations of Health: Yoga Practice(HSS115YL/HSS125YL)
- Balake Kannada(HSS113BK/HSS123BK)
This repository also contains a few selected chapters for all the 1st year Math courses, of the textbook Higher Engineering Mathematics by Dr. BS Grewal. Those chapters are:
- Linear Algebra
- Differential Calculus
- Partial Differentiation
- Multiple Integrals
- Vector Calculus
- Linear DE
- Applications of LDE
- Applications of PDE
- Laplace transforms
- Statistical Methods
- Numerical Methods
- Finite differences and interpolation
- Numerical differentiation and integration
- Numerical solution of ODE
- Any notes and question papers related to first year courses of the 2022 scheme of RVCE can be contributed.
- The file size should not exceed 100 MB. If you want to add any textbook, then add only those chapters relevant to the course units must be added.
If you are familiar with using GitHub:
- If you want to add materials to a course that is not there on this repo, create a folder and send a push request.
- Otherwise, just add files to the course folder and send a push request.
If you are not familiar with using GitHub, then please refer instruction manual
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