Based on "Image Quilting for Texture Synthesis and Transfer" and "Real-Time Texture Synthesis by Patch-Based Sampling" papers and from the implementation of anopara
pip install patch-based-inpainting
The Inpaint object contains will performed patch-based inpainting.
Usage: create the object with parameters, call object.resolve().
image : array
The image to inpaint.
mask : array
The mask of the same size as the image, all value > 0 will be inpainted.
patch_size : int
The size of one square patch.
overlap_size : int
The size of the overlap between patch.
training_area : array
The mask of the same size as the image, all value > 0 will be used for training.
window_step : int
The shape of the elementary n-dimensional orthotope of the rolling window view. If None will be autocomputed. Can lead to a RAM saturation if to small.
mirror_hor : bool
Compute the horizontal mirror of each patch for training.
mirror_vert : bool
Compute the vertical mirror of each patch for training.
rotation : list
Compute the given rotations in degrees of each patch for training.
method : str
Method to use for blending adjacent patches. blend: feathering blending ; linear: mean blending ; gaussian: gaussian blur blending ; None: no blending.