The blackspots/wbakaart service exposes spots in Amsterdam which have been identified as being (potentially) accident prone.
During an import process a remote XLS file is imported to the Postgres database. Through a Django rest framework API these spots are exposed in HAL json and geojson.
Authentication is done using Keycloak. ADW users or Datapunt identity provider users can login with the Keycloak JS library (see blackspots-frontend).
This project follows the setup used in multiple projects and is described here:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Bump dependencies with:
pip install -r requirements-root.txt
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Possibly, perform the bump process in the docker container and copy out the result. This will prevent your local workspace from introducing unrelated dependencies.
To start the database use
docker-compose up --build database
Create the Django Database structure:
python migrate
Optionally import actual data from the objectstore:
OBJECTSTORE_PASSWORD=foo python import_spots
Then start the Django server
python runserver
If you want to proxy file downloads also set the OBJECTSTORE_PASSWORD
variable for the server.
The following endpoints (and more) are available:
- /health, for Consul health check
- /blackspots/spots/
- /blackspots/spots/?format=geojson
- /blackspots/documents/
- /blackspots/documents/1/, document detail view
- /blackspots/documents/1/file/, document download
- /blackspots/redoc/, rest API documentation
- /blackspots/swagger.yaml, OpenAPI specification
Alternatively everything can be started through Docker using:
docker-compose up --build
- The API is available on:
Execute the test using:
python test