Today I Learned is a web application Built with Nextjs, Scss on the Front-end & Firebase on the Backend, The project design and idea was a part of Jonas Schmedtmann Crash Course Build a FullStack Web App.
This project was a practice application for what i have learnt so far in React & Scss while learning new technologies along the way such as integrating my web Front-end with Baas (Backend-as-a-service) and i have chosen Firebase to learn in this project.
1- Responsive to all screen sizes.
2- Enables user to post new facts & upvote/downvote existing facts.
3- Enables user to filter facts by category.
1- Improved the overall styling and responsiveness of the app. What we built during the cousework: How it looks after improving the styling:
2- Used Context API to manage/update state globally across components.
3- Added user login & authentication using firebase auth.
4- Created subcolltections to the existing users collections in the database to store the user interactions which allows users to remove or change their cuurent votes thus improving user experience.
5- Added various sorting functionalities & searching for facts.
6- Added functions to enable users to navigate through their own posts & posts they upvoted or downvoted.
Clone this repository
$ git clone
$ npm install
$ npx next dev