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Reconstructs complex variation using Bionano optical mapping data and breakpoint graph data


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Reconstructs focal amplifications using Bionano optical mapping data and an NGS-derived breakpoint graph. The publication related to this work has been published in Nature Communications. If using this tool please cite the following:

Luebeck et al., "AmpliconReconstructor integrates NGS and optical mapping to resolve the complex structures of focal amplifications", Nature Communications, 2020.

September 2022 Update: Version 1.02: adds support for python3.

September 2020 Update: Version 1.01: adds support for GRCh38-based analysis.


  1. Dependencies
  2. Installation
  3. Inputs & Outputs
  4. Running AR
  5. SegAligner documentation


AR uses Python 2 (2.7+) or Python 3, and C++ (C++11 or higher with g++ as the compiler) and a Unix-based OS. AR has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and later. AR may not work with CentOS 7 unless glibc is 3.4.20 or higher.

AR has the following Python library dependencies:

  • Matplotlib 2.0.0 (or higher)
    • To ensure you meet the version dependency for Matplotlib, do pip install --upgrade matplotlib.
  • numpy
  • pysam
  • PyYAML
  • intervaltree

pip install numpy matplotlib pysam PyYAML intervaltree

AR requires that the AmpliconArchitect (AA) data repo be downloaded and the $AA_DATA_REPO bash variable must be set. If you already have AA installed, no action is required. Otherwise, instructions on setting the data repo are available here.

AR can produce optional visualizations of the reconstructed amplicons, this requires the CycleViz. Instructions for installing CycleViz are included below.


To install AR, we add some variables to the .bashrc file (located in your home directory). We provide some bash commands to automate this process. Typically this installation process can be completed in 5 or less minutes.

  1. Download AR.

    git clone && cd AmpliconReconstructor

  2. Add AmpliconReconstructor and SegAligner to path.

    echo "export AR_SRC=$PWD" >> ~/.bashrc
    echo "export SA_SRC=$PWD/SegAligner" >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc
  3. A SegAligner binary compatible with a Linux x86 64-bit architecture is included. If you want to compile the SegAligner binary yourself, run the following.

    cd SegAligner
    cd ..
  4. Add AR python libs to $PYTHONPATH variable.

    echo "export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$AR_SRC" >> ~/.bashrc

  5. (Optional, but highly recommended) Install CycleViz.

    # before running, make sure dependencies for CycleViz (listed in "Dependencies" section) are satisfied
    # now, install CycleViz
    cd ../../ #or wherever you want to install CycleViz
    git clone
    echo "export CV_SRC=$PWD/CycleViz" >> ~/.bashrc
  6. Make the changes to .bashrc live for this session: source ~/.bashrc

  7. (Optional) Add Microsoft fonts to Ubuntu (e.g. Arial).

sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer fontconfig
sudo fc-cache -f  # rebuilds the font cache

Inputs & Outputs


At a high level, AR accepts as inputs assembled Bionano contigs (.cmap) and an AA-formatted breakpoint graph file (*_graph.txt).

Generating an in silico digested graph

Once AA has been run on your NGS data, please convert the resulting *_graph.txt file to CMAP form, using the script

An example command is

$AR_SRC/ -r reference_genome.fasta -e DLE1 -g sample_amplicon1_graph.txt

The YAML file

A sample .yaml template is included in the AR source directory.

The .yaml file should specify the following properties for each entry (sample_name)

    path: /some/path/to/your/samples/      - Path prefix which will be applied to all other input filenames

    graph: sample_graph.txt                - AA-formatted breakpoint graph file. Assumes "graph" is located under "path".

    contigs: sample_EXP_REFINEFINAL1.cmap  - assembled OM contigs. Assumes "contigs" is located under "path".

    cmap: sample_graph_DLE1.cmap           - in-silico CMAP generated from AA-formatted graph file
    instrument: [Irys/Saphyr]

    enzyme: [BspQI/DLE1]

    reference_build: [hg19/GRCh38]         - Specify either hg19 or GRCh38 reference build used.

    min_map_len: ~                         - [Optional] set a custom minimum number of labels for SegAligner alignment (advanced option)

    xmaps: ~                               - [Optional] provide a .xmap-formatted file of alignments between "cmap" and reference genome. Disables SegAligner alignment (advanced option)


AR outputs a collection of possible reconstruction paths, ordered by total alignment score. The output file format is the same as the AA cycles file format.

The files created by AR are placed into three folders

  1. alignments/
    • Contains the individual graph segment alignments to contigs, produced by SegAligner
  2. reconstructions/
    • AR reconstructions and reconstruction alignments
  3. visualizations/
    • Visualizations of AR reconstructions

The reconstructions/ folder contains a number of files.

a) [sample_name]_paths_cycles.txt - AA cycles-formatted output describing the reconstructed genomic paths. This is the primary output used for interpreting reconstructions.

b) [sample_name]_path_[N]_aln.txt - SegAligner-formatted OM alignment of entire reconstruction path (segments to scaffolds).

c) [sample_name]_scaffold_paths.txt - AA cycles-formatted output describing the heaviest weight paths for each individual OM contig.

d) [sample_name]_scaffold_path_[N]_aln.txt - SegAligner-formatted OM alignment of graph segments to individual OM contig.

e) [sample_name]_data.json - A json representation of the unresolved reconstruction graph. Can be uploaded to ScaffoldGraphViewer.

f) [sample_name]_run.log - Verbose output about reconstruction process.

The visualizations/ folder will contain CycleViz visulazations of the reconstructed genomic paths specified in [sample_name]_paths_cycles.txt. By default AR will not produce CycleViz images unless either the $CV_SRC bash variable is set (CycleViz installation) or --CV_path /path/to/CycleViz/ is manually specified.


AR requires a number of inputs. To simplify running AR, we use a wrapper script, and we use a YAML file to specify the sample-specific files and paths AR will use. Information about creating the YAML file with your inputs (including a template) is located in the section "Preparing your files".

An example invokation of AR is as follows

python -i samples.yaml --outdir /path/to/output/directory --run_name [name for this run] --threads 24

A descripton of other command line arguments can produced by running AR with the --help flag.

For highly-complex or large focal amplifications, setting --noConnect is recommended. After identifying relevant scaffolds, a condensed version of the reconstruction can be performed by using and specifying --contig_subset on the relevant Bionano contig IDs.

Running an AR test

You can test AR on using previously published data. The GBM39 cell line has been previously characterized by AR in Wu, et al., Nature 2019. We have made WGS data and OM data publicly available:

You may either generate an AA breakpoint graph from the WGS data yourself (see AmpliconSuite-pipeline for details) or we also provide the pre-generated GBM39 AA breakpoint graph file in the AR data repo (AmpliconReconstructor/test_files/).

  • If starting from BAM file:

If you wish to generate the AA breakpoint graph from scratch, you can use AmpliconSuite-pipeline on the downloaded BAM file from SRA. An example command is below. This may take 1-2 hours on a standard desktop.

/path/to/AmpliconSuite-pipeline/ -s GBM39 -t 8 --cnvkit_dir /path/to/ --rscript_path /path/to/Rscript --sorted_bam FF18.cs.bam --run_AA

This will output a file GBM39_amplicon1_graph.txt which can be used in the next step.

  • If starting from OM data + pre-generated graph:

Starting from the pre-generated input data should run on a standard desktop in less than 10-15 minutes.

An example .yaml file is provided in the test_files directory.

To run the test, do

cd test_files

python $AR_SRC/ -i gbm39_test.yaml --outdir GBM39_AR_output --run_name GBM39_test --nthreads [num threads]

In the resulting folder you will see AR output files, including reconstructed cycles, and (if CycleViz specified) visualization plots. Furthermore, the SegAligner and combined alignment for the entire amplicon will be present. The SegAligner files end with *_aln.txt.


SegAligner is a multithreaded C++ aligner for BioNano optical map contigs and in-silico digested genomic reference segments. It additionally supports alignment of contigs to the full reference genome to identify the location of candidate regions of the contigs belonging to regions of the reference.

SegAligner is wrapped inside AmpliconReconstructorOM, but can be invoked on its own. For installation please see the instructions for AR installation above.

Command line arguments for SegAligner are as follows - the first two arguments are positional and are paths to (1) the in-silico reference genome CMAP (full or collection of extracted segments) and (2) the BioNano contig CMAP. The most simple command would be:

SegAligner your_reference_segs.CMAP EXP_REFINEFINAL1.cmap

However, there are other arguments you will probably want to consider:

  • -nthreads=1 Sets the number of threads to use (default 1, HIGHLY recommend at least 8 for typical datasets).

  • -prefix=SA_output Sets the filename output prefix (default "SA_output")).

  • -min_labs=10 Sets the minimum number of labels on a cmap entry in order to attempt alignment (default 10. For Saphyr DLE1 data, recommend 12).

  • -n_detect_scores=500 Set the number of in the E-value distribution (default 500).

  • -gen=2 Set the "generation" of BioNano instrument. "1" = Irys, "2" = Saphyr (default 2).

  • -local Perform local alignment (default semi-global).

  • -fitting_aln Performs fitting alignment (conflicts with -local). Not recommended for large datasets.

  • -no_tip_aln Turns off sensitive search for overlapping alignments.

  • -nl Turns off banded alignment. Not recommended for large datasets (memory + speed issues).

  • -detection Used for detection of contig locations in reference genome. Sets -local_aln, -no_tip_aln, and other internal variables.


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