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This reop contains all common widgets in flutter framework.

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Flutter Widgets

Material Widgets>>

1.AboutDialog Widget

This widget is useful for giving information about our app.

2.AboutListTile Widget

This widget is useful for giving information about our app.

3.AbsorbPointer Widget

This is how to use the Absorb pointer widget with flutter. if you need to remove the possibility to click on something within your flutter app, you can do it with the absorb pointer widget with flutter.

4.AlertDialog Widget

This widget is useful for showing user messages.

5.Align Widget

This widget is useful for put widget in specific location where i need.

6.AnimatedAlign Widget

This widget is useful for put widget in specific location where i need using animation.

7.AnimatedBuilder Widget

This widget is useful for build widget in animation way.

8.AnimatedContainer Widget

This widget is useful for build Container in animation way.

9.AnimatedCrossFade Widget

This widget is useful for switch between two widgets in CrossFade animation way.

10.AnimatedDefaultTextStyle Widget

This widget is useful for switch between two text in an animation way.

11.AnimatedIcon Widget

This widget is useful for switch between two icons in an animation way.

12.AnimatedList Widget

This widget is useful for showing items in List in an animation way.

13.AnimatedOpacity Widget

This widget is useful for showing and hiding items an animation way.

14.AnimatedPadding Widget

This widget is useful for using padding widget in an animation way.

15.AnimatedPhysicalModel Widget

This widget is useful for showing elevation for widget in an animation way.

16.AnimatedPositioned Widget

This widget is useful for moving a widget from place to another in an animation way.

17.AnimatedRotation Widget

This widget is useful for rotate a widget in an animation way.

18.AnimatedSize Widget

This widget is useful for change size of a widget in an animation way.

19.AnimatedSwitcher Widget

This widget is useful for switch between two value or widgets in an animation way.

20.AppBar Widget

This widget is useful for put an appbar widget in the screen.

21.AspectRatio Widget

It will allow you to create a view ration on any flutter widgets.This AspectRatio can be really useful if you need a ratio like 4:3, 16:9 or 21:9.

22.AutoComplete Widget

This widget is useful for adding auto complete feature in our app.

23.Banner Widget

This widget is useful for adding banner to product item as example.

24.BottomNavigationBar Widget

This widget is useful for adding BottomNavigationBar to navigate between more than 1 screen.

25.BottomSheet Widget

This widget is useful for showing bottomsheet.

26.Builder Widget

This widget is useful for providing context to widget when we want.

27.Card Widget

This widget is useful for giving elevation to Content.

28.CheckBoxListTile Widget

This widget is useful for using checkbox with title.

29.Chip Widget

This widget is useful for removing some choices for example.

30.ChoiceChip Widget

This widget is useful for select some choices from available items.

31.ClipOval Widget

This widget is useful for creating custom widget and clipping it in oval way.

32.ClipPath Widget

This widget is useful for creating custom widget and clipping it in beautiful way.

33.ClipRect Widget

This widget is useful for creating custom widget and clipping it.

33.ClipRRect Widget

This widget is useful for creating custom widget and giving border radius to it.

34.ClipRRect Widget

This widget is useful for creating custom widget and giving border radius to it.

34.CustomPaint Widget

This widget is useful for paint any custom shape in flutter.

Cupertino Widgets>>


This widget is useful for showing Bottom Sheet for IOS.


This widget is the same of MaterialApp but for IOS.


This widget is a loading animation but for IOS.

4.CupertinoButton Widget

This widget is a button but for IOS.

5.CupertinoAlertDialog Widget

This widget is useful for appearing alert dialog but for IOS.

6.CupertinoContextMenu Widget

This widget is useful when user clicks on widgets multiple choics will appear.

7.CupertinoDatePicker Widget

This widget is useful for taking date from user but for IOS.

8.CupertinoPageRoute Widget

This widget is useful for navigating from screen to another.

9.CupertinoPicker Widget

This widget is useful for pick value from user.

10.CupertinoPopupSurface Widget

This widget is useful for showing pop up widget.

11.CupertinoScrollBar Widget

This widget is useful for adding scrollbar while scrolling in IOS.

12.CupertinoSearchTextField Widget

This widget is useful for adding search feature in IOS.

13.CupertinoSegmentedControl Widget

This widget is useful for swichiung between tabs like TabBar but in IOS.

14.CupertinoSlider Widget

This widget is useful for taking input from user with slider but in IOS.

15.CupertinoTabScaffold Widget

This widget is useful for adding bottm navigation bar but in IOS.

16.CupertinoTabView Widget

This widget is useful for adding Tab view to switch between two screens but in IOS.

17.CupertinoTextField Widget

This widget is useful for taking input from user but in IOS.


1.Internet Connetion Checker

This Package is useful for checking user internet connection.


This reop contains all common widgets in flutter framework.






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