- Up-To-Do App is designed to help users organize their tasks efficiently and stay productive throughout their day. Whether it's managing daily tasks, work assignments, or personal goals.
- App notifies the user of the task before starting using
. - Our App reminds users every day at 9 PM ⏰to write tasks for tomorrow.
- gvdfbdfb
- Splash Screen: Wait for 3 seconds then navigate to
On-Boarding Screens
. - On-Boarding Screens: Provide a seamless and engaging introduction to our app.
- Home Screen: The User can discover all tasks that he added before and can change the status to
. - Add Task: User can add task details like
,start time
, andend time
cached_network_image: ^3.3.1
cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2
dartz: ^0.10.1
dio: ^5.3.2
sdk: flutter
flutter_bloc: ^8.1.3
sdk: flutter
flutter_screenutil: ^5.9.0
flutter_spinkit: ^5.2.0
fluttertoast: ^8.2.2
get_it: ^7.6.0
google_fonts: ^5.1.0
google_nav_bar: ^5.0.6
image_picker: ^1.0.4
jwt_decoder: ^2.0.1
shared_preferences: ^2.2.0
shimmer: ^3.0.0
Clone the repository
Open the project in your preferred Flutter IDE.
Explore the
directory:- Review the project structure to understand the core of the app.
- Customize the app of your need.
Run the app on an emulator or physical device:
flutter run
- Contributions are welcome 💜
- If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.