An example of the State design pattern in C#.
New Mermaid syntax:
[*] --> Unwritten
Unwritten --> Open: Open
Unwritten --> Void: Void
Open --> Void: Void
Open --> Cancelled: Cancel
Open --> Closed: Close
Open --> Open: Update
Closed --> Open: Open
State Transition Diagram (copy here):
digraph PolicyState {
node [shape = doublecircle]; Unwritten;
node [shape = rectangle style=filled]; Void Cancelled;
node [shape = circle];
Unwritten -> Open [ label = "Open" ];
Unwritten -> Void[ label = "Void" ];
Open -> Cancelled [ label = "Cancel" ];
Open -> Closed [label = "Close" ];
Open -> Open [label = "Update"];
Open -> Void [label = "Void"];
Closed -> Open [label = "Open"];
Void [color="0.000 1.000 1.000"];
Cancelled [color="0.201 0.753 1.000"];
The State pattern is described in the Core project and tested in the unit tests. The web project doesn't yet do anything useful. Pull requests welcome to help visualize the pattern.
Added a GitHub Action that eventually will build and run tests.