Flutter application that collects and present the recent news around the world.
- Features and usage
- Technologies used
- How it looks
- How to install
- coming updates
Features and usage
Start by presenting the most recent trending news around the worlds, as well as giving the user the ability to navigate across different categories of news like business, science, sports, entertainment.
Moreover, user could search for the latest news about some entity by just a word.
Technologies used
- Dart
- Flutter
- Cubit
- Restful API
- Local Data Persistence (Shared preferences)
- Theming
- Live Search
How it looks
you could see screenshots singularly, just go to screenshots dir.
How to install
You can simply follow this steps:
git clone https://github.com/AliEsmaeil/dot.git
open the app in an IDE, and it's supposed that you have flutter installed on your machine.
flutter pub get
You are free to run, go ahead.
coming updates
So, it's an open section for creativity. but consider the following:
- add more news categories such as health and technology
- give the user ability to narrowing the search for a specific country news (search filtering).
- ......... I'd be happy to hear your suggestions:).
BTW, this repo is welcoming any contribution, feel free to open a pull request.